Any use of data provided by RMTEC must be presented or published in a manner that protects individual identity. Every effort has been made to protect the identities of persons represented in the data provided to us. Data provided may only be used for the purposes for which it was requested.
• I will not use - or permit others to use - the data in any way other than for statistical reporting and analysis. I must notify RMTEC if I discover that there has been any other use of the data. • I will not present or publish data in which an individual can be identified. I will not publish any information on an individual. In addition, I will avoid publication of statistics for very small groups. • I will not attempt either to link - or permit others to link - the data with individually identified records in another database. • If I inadvertently discover the identity of any individual, then (a) I will make no use of this knowledge, (b) I will notify RMTEC of the incident, and (c) I will inform no one else of the discovered identity. • I will cite the source of information in all publications. The appropriate citation is provided upon fulfillment of the data request. • I will not misrepresent myself, the organization with which I am affiliated, or how I intend to use the data. • Terms of use including the purpose, destruction, and publication of data will be agreed to before data are released. • Tribal Letters of Support and/or a Tribal Resolution may be required prior to the release of data. Please select one: