2024 Ke Alahele Sponsorship

This form is to be used if requesting to pay via Check.

Please submit form by October 7, 2024.

Mahalo for supporting!

Contact Information

Contact for Follow-up (will contact this person for guests' names closer to the event):

To whom should we address our thank you (if different from above):

Sponsor Level (Check appropriate box):*

Optional Opportunities (Check box(s) only if interested):

Name of Guests (list first and last name for total number of seats purchased):

If you are an Event Sponsor, we will contact you directly for the names of your guests, if this info is not provided below.

Please upload your logo so we can recognize you on MEDB's event website, program and during the fundraising event.

Drag and drop files here or

Please make your check payable to “Maui Economic Development Board” and mail to MEDB no later than October 7, 2024 to:

Maui Economic Development Board

1305 N Holopono St #1

Kihei, HI 96753

*IMPORTANT: Please include in the memo section of your check your Sponsor Name for the event.

Text box below optional for any questions, comments, concerns.

Mahalo for your support!