Referee CPD Event Registration Form

Thank you for signing up to our Referee CPD Event. We require all attendees to complete this form in full. Our objective is to meet the safeguarding needs of the children/young people we work with whilst aligning all our key safeguarding and organisational policies, procedures and standards. Thank you Ed Duckworth Referee Development Officer

CPD Event Attendee Details


Under 18*

Are you under the age of 18?

Please enter the date of the event you are attending. Format: MM//DD/YYYY

Emergency Contact Information

In the event of an emergency, please provide a contact name for us to get in touch with.

Do you require any additional support during the CPD session? (for example because of a disability). If no, please write 'no',

Do we need to know about any medical conditions or allergies? (If yes, please provide details for the condition(s) and any medication needed). If not, please write 'no'.

Parent/Guardian Details

To be completed if you are Under 18. Cheshire FA aims to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for every child or young person.

My parent/guardian named above gives me permission to attend this Cheshire FA Referee CPD Event

My parent/guardian named above is aware that the event is being recorded. All Cameras will be off during the session.

Parent/Guardian Attendance

My parent/guardian would like to attend the Referee CPD event in a supervisory capacity. (if Yes, please provide their email address below)

Please provide your parent/guardian's email address here so that we can send them a link to the event.


I am aware that this event may be attended by people under the age of 18 and understand that I need to conduct myself in an appropriate manner.

I confirm in attending this event I am aware that the event will be recorded.