The Diversity & Inclusion Student Center (DISC) will affirm the Jesuit vision of social justice and cura personalis. Promoting diversity in STEM and creating a safe space in which all STEM students feel heard, represented, and included. Serving the underrepresented student population in both SoE and CAS. A location where all student organizations, in both SoE and CAS, can reserve to host meetings, events, training around diversity and inclusion, allow for cross collaboration across disciplines, and much more.
DISC can be used to host meet-ups where students can hold events with other departments or services on campus. Help in spreading the resources to our larger student community, and creating a “warm handoff” for students to feel comfortable in reaching out to services with future needs.
DISC will be a space for students to come together, collaborate on projects and ideas, and celebrate their diversity and achievements. First in SoE and CAS, but available to reach the entire SCU community and beyond.
DISC serves as a central location for the distribution and dissemination of resources and information, event updates, etc. A safe space so anyone who enters the space can leave it feeling more included and knowledgeable about the vast diversity, cultural histories, and contributions of our student, alumni, and faculty population. To be an open space lounge during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters during the academic year classes and use for receptions, meetings, workshops and other events.
DISC will serve as a place to support and strengthen outreach in our local underrepresented communities. Serve as a meeting or end place for students/families/youth groups on their STEM tours. Offering programming for outreach events that can strengthen our local pipeline and highlight our efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion to our surrounding communities.