DISC Reservation Request

Please complete this form in full to have your event or meeting displayed on our School of Engineering (SoE) and College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Organization Event Calendars and/or the SoE+CAS Undergraduate Newsletters. Once submitted, your event will be reviewed before adding to the calendar.

Please note that student led activities have priority.

If we have any questions about the event, we will send a message to the contact email address provided in this form. If you wish to update any of the event details after this submission, please email DISCinSTEM@scu.edu with any changes.

Please note that this is a ccollaborative use between CAS and SOE. We ask that you extend us all a lot of grace as we work out the system and logistics.

Contact and Event Details

If more than one, please list the main host club or org first then any other collaborators.

Please list start and end times. You will have 30min prior to set up and 30 min post to reset the room.

Please describe the purpose of the event.

If approved, in addition to the DISC space, would you like DISC to try and reserve other spaces for your event in SCDI that may be a part of your event? * Space is based on room or touchdown space availability. We will contact you to let you know the status of your request.

Select or enter value
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Please be as specific as possible such as room numbers, touchdown space, conference rooms, etc. Please also list alternate building/room options.

Guidelines and Waivers

Please read the following and check the box for affirmation. Note that these are subject to change as this is a new system for collaborative usage of a new space.

The Diversity & Inclusion Student Center (DISC) will affirm the Jesuit vision of social justice and cura personalis. Promoting diversity in STEM and creating a safe space in which all STEM students feel heard, represented, and included. Serving the underrepresented student population in both SoE and CAS. A location where all student organizations, in both SoE and CAS, can reserve to host meetings, events, training around diversity and inclusion, allow for cross collaboration across disciplines, and much more. DISC can be used to host meet-ups where students can hold events with other departments or services on campus. Help in spreading the resources to our larger student community, and creating a “warm handoff” for students to feel comfortable in reaching out to services with future needs. DISC will be a space for students to come together, collaborate on projects and ideas, and celebrate their diversity and achievements. First in SoE and CAS, but available to reach the entire SCU community and beyond. DISC serves as a central location for the distribution and dissemination of resources and information, event updates, etc. A safe space so anyone who enters the space can leave it feeling more included and knowledgeable about the vast diversity, cultural histories, and contributions of our student, alumni, and faculty population. To be an open space lounge during Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters during the academic year classes and use for receptions, meetings, workshops and other events. DISC will serve as a place to support and strengthen outreach in our local underrepresented communities. Serve as a meeting or end place for students/families/youth groups on their STEM tours. Offering programming for outreach events that can strengthen our local pipeline and highlight our efforts in diversity, equity and inclusion to our surrounding communities.

Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation (SCDI) room 2306 is home to the Diversity & Inclusion Student Center (DISC). Any postings in the room should reflect the clubs and student organizations associated with DISC. DISC may be used evenings with pre-arranged DISC club/org meetings. The DISC Director assigns those days and times through this reservation form. DISC furniture remains in the room. DISC may be reserved during academic break periods. DISC may be requested for events on Saturdays and Sundays in compliance with building hours.

All Registered Student Organizations (RSO) and Chartered Student Organizations (CSO), in both the School of Engineering (SoE) and the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) may submit a request for DISC use through the DISC Reservation Form. University departments, Centers of Distinction, and administrative units, in SoE and CAS, may reserve through the DISC Reservation Form. Reservations for DISC will be prioritized according to student focus and DEI purposes. Non- SoE or CAS student groups and departments will be considered but of lower priority. We welcome partnerships.