CIA Learning System Education Agreement (BB)
The IIA has created the CIA Learning System Education Agreement (Addendum BB) for Affiliates who wish to partner and/or continue to re-sell The IIA’s CIA Learning System exam preparation self-study materials and/or offer CIA instructor-led exam preparation courses.
Note: Purchases are valid until March 2025 and any orders should be consumed by then.
The Addendum was designed to ensure all Affiliates are aware of the terms of use and options available to them.
The Addendum only needs to be signed by Affiliates who wish to partner to re-sell the CIA Learning System materials.
Please review the three partnership options available; multiple options can be selected:
• Option 1: Host a Live or Online IIA CIA Learning System Course in Your Region Your affiliate may offer its own live instructor-led CIA Learning System course with CIA Learning System instructor materials and course PowerPoint slides.
• Option 2 : Promote and Sell The IIA's CIA Learning System Self-Study Materials The IIA's CIA Learning System materials can be purchased at significantly discounted rates. Can be resold to local CIA candidates.
• Option 3 : Partner with an IIA-Approved Training Provider Affiliates with limited resources, can partner with an IIA-approved training provider to offer courses in your market. Complete the below form to indicate if your Affiliate would like to subscribe to the agreement.