Commercial Licensee Notice of Loss/Theft Form


**Submission of the required information within 24 hours after discovery of the event**

442:10-5-13. Loss and theft

If a commercial licensee has reason to believe that an actual loss, theft, or diversion of medical marijuana has occurred, the commercial licensee shall notify immediately the Department and law enforcement. The commercial licensee shall provide the notice by attaching and submitting electronically a signed statement that details the estimated time, location, and circumstances of the event, including an accurate inventory of the quantity and type of medical marijuana unaccounted for due to diversion or theft. The notice shall be provided no later than twenty-four hours after discovery of the event. Please provide the following information.


(Legal & trade name, if appliable):

(to include city, state, and zip code):

(if the actual date is not known, please estimate):


(if you need additional space, please provide a separate sheet with this form and upload it.). Please note that completion of this form does not substitute the licensees responsibility to accurately report a licensee inventory of medical marijuana in the State inventory tracking system.

Commercial Licensee Notice of Theft/Loss Form

Police Report and any pertinent information.

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