ESSER III District Plan

If you have questions or require assistance with this form please contact: Oregon ESSER III District Plan: Email the ESSER Team at - Due October 20, 2021

District General Information

Please select your district name from the drop down menu.

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Section 1: District Use of ESSER III Funds to Address Unfinished Learning

Investment Priorities for the required 20%+

Please review the Strategies below adapted from Education Resource Strategies (ERS) and indicate which strategy (or strategies) best describes your district’s priorities for addressing academic impact of lost instructional time. Our district has or is likely to prioritize the following strategy (or strategies): (Select all that apply; you must select one):

List specific evidence-based intervention(s) within this strategy. (<200 words)

Describe how the district will measure the effect of this investment for students who have been most impacted by COVID-19? (<500 words)

For students to engage in learning that meets their strengths and distinct needs, districts and schools need to explore new ways to expand and vary the time and individualized attention they receive inside and outside of school hours. (Possible examples: Providing focused, high-dosage tutoring, peer tutoring, extended school day, enrichment programs, summer academic and enrichment, planning for post-secondary and career, developing work-based learning programs.)

List specific evidence-based intervention(s) within this strategy. (<200 words)

Describe how the district will measure the effect of this investment for students who have been most impacted by COVID-19? (<500 words)

For students to experience engaging, high-quality instruction in a supportive environment, districts and schools need to prioritize ways to make teaching jobs and roles more rewarding, collaborative, and sustainable while also tending to teacher mental health and well-being. (Possible examples: providing mentors and/or at least one team member that has an instructional content expert to help with planning, providing stipends and/or release time for selected teacher leadership roles, investing in wellness supports, providing highly effective teachers with opportunities to share their strengths and expand their impact).

List specific evidence-based intervention(s) within this strategy. (<200 words)

Describe how the district will measure the effect of this investment for students who have been most impacted by COVID-19? (<500 words)

For students to feel safe, welcome and supported in school, districts and schools need to develop structures and enact policies and practices that cultivate positive, supportive relationships, and provide for staff and student mental and emotional health needs. (Possible examples: create time and space in the school day for relationship building, provide opportunities for staff and students to make meaning of their experience through creative outlets [art, music, writing, movement etc.], regularly engage with staff, students and families to assess their relational and emotional support needs, and build robust relationships with linguistically and culturally responsive community health and mental health providers and local systems of care.)

List specific evidence-based intervention(s) within this strategy. (<200 words)

Describe how the district will measure the effect of this investment for students who have been most impacted by COVID-19? (<500 words)

To increase academic, health, mental health and emotional support for students, districts and schools need to engage families as partners and leverage the local community and its system of care to provide integrated, wrap-around services and supports. (Possible examples: Implementing or deepening community- based organization’s support to provide authentic, culturally-responsive academic enrichment and learning supports, strengthening connections with local systems of care, communicating in home languages, culturally-specific liaisons, business and college partnerships.)

List specific evidence-based intervention(s) within this strategy. (<200 words)

Describe how the district will measure the effect of this investment for students who have been most impacted by COVID-19? (<500 words)

Please indicate if you have other prioritized strategies that do not fall into one of the above strategies.

<500 words

List specific evidence-based intervention(s) within this strategy. (<200 words)

Describe how the district will measure the effect of this investment for students who have been most impacted by COVID-19? (<500 words)

Section 2. District Community Engagement to Inform Use of ESSER III Funds

Self-Certification: In review of meeting ESSER III planning requirements, District acknowledges:

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The Oregon ESSER III State Plan asserts that districts already met most of the requirements for community engagement as a result of the SIA requirements. What student needs have you identified from the SIA process or other related community engagement efforts (e.g., RSSL, strategic planning) that you are prioritizing for ESSER III investments? Be sure your response includes student needs for those most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.(<500 words).

Engagement with migrant students and families

As migrant students were not formally part of the SIA focal student engagement requirements, additional information is federally required to support meaningful engagement in the use of ESSER III funds.

Please enter a numerical value only. Please leave blank if you have no migrant students enrolled in your district and served through the district or the ESD.

Engagement may be in relation to your SIA Plan or other related process (e.g., RSSL, strategic planning, or return to in-person learning).

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Engagement with Incarcerated Youth

As students who are incarcerated were not formally part of the SIA focal student engagement requirements, additional information is required to ensure meaningful engagement.

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Section 3: ESSER III Integrated Planning Tool and District Plan

There are two required pieces to this section: 1) Please upload the completed ESSER III Integrated Planning Tool in section 5 below. See the ESSER III District Plan Guide for more information about the tool. 2) Please upload the publicly available link to your ESSER III District Plan. (Note, the Integrated Planning Tool can act as your plan template.) Upload any other supporting documents in Section 5 below.

Section 4: Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan

Each district must complete and submit a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan to ODE by August 27, 2021. This Section has moved. To submit your ESSER III Safe Return & Continuity of Services Plan please use this form:

Section 5: Document Upload

Please attach the following documents and be sure to mark the checkboxes for the documents you are uploading to indicate that you have attached the files.

Please select which documents your are uploading

Drag and drop files here or

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