Map and Match Desk Review Document Submissions

Thank you for submitting landscapes and other documents for Map and Match - Deadline ext. to Aug. 21

USAID in partnership with Digital Square, is immediately conducting a mapping/landscape of all existing digital health software platforms, with a particular focus on those which could be adapted for use in COVID-19 response efforts. This assessment will be conducted on a country-by-country basis and will seek to understand which tools are currently deployed at national, sub-national, and facility levels, which cadres of health workers have been trained to use these tools, and how these tools can be harnessed for COVID-19 response. Our goal is to update the Digital Health Atlas with this information, and more specifically to share these findings with funding institutions and Ministries of Health to support and inform COVID-19 response efforts. Your submission will be reviewed and if it meets inclusion criteria, it will be included in the Map and Match assessment.

Uploading Files

Upload landscapes, reports, grey literature, white literature, or other resources describing any digital tools that have been deployed at scale to capture health data. We are particularly interested in tools that have already been deployed across multiple facilities, districts, regions, or nationally within a country, rather than pilots of tools with a limited reach. Tools that could rapidly be adapted and deployed for COVID-19 are also of particular interest. Documents from the past 5 years (inclusive of 2015) are the priority, but anything from the past 10 years (inclusive of 2010) that includes systems that are still being deployed are also within scope.

If you max out the number of documents you were able to upload - feel free to submit this form as many times as necessary. If you have any questions please contact Amanda BenDor

Drag and drop files here or

Our goal is to integrate our data findings with the WHO's Digital Health Atlas. If you are sharing resources with information that should NOT be made publicly available, please let us know so we can ensure privacy.

Are there any documents you know exist but you were not able to attach here? If so, please provide the title and country / tool if available, or a general description of the documents to help us find them.

Please include their name, email address, and organization.