Direct Service Purchase Provider Inquiry Form


Do you have ALL of the following required insurance coverages?

  • Unemployment
  • Worker’s Compensation
  • General Liability- $1,000,000 limit each occurrence
  • Employee Dishonesty $50,000 Limit to cover both First Party and Third Party (theft of client’s property) crime
  • Automobile Liability- $1,000,000 limit (covering owned, hired, non-owned)
  • Professional Liability- Required for Nursing/Licensed Services

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Are you currently working with another MI Choice waiver agency?

For example, Detroit Area Agency on Aging, MORC, Senior Alliance, Region 2 AAA, Valley Area Agency on Aging, Tri County Office on Aging, A & D Home Health Care, Region 7 Area Agency on Aging.

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Has the agency been in business for greater than 1 year?

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Home Care Agencies Only

How many caregivers does the agency currently employ?

Please select any language services, other than English, that your agency provides

Select or enter value
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How many hours of direct care is your Agency able to staff?

Do you employ a MDHHS Licensed Nurse (RN) who can perform supervisory visits for CLS workers at least twice per year?

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Licensed and Unlicensed Residential Facilities ONLY

Please enter any additional information that you would like to share about your agency or the services you provide.

I understand that this inquiry is not a complete application. Completion of this inquiry is only the initial step in the process and does not automatically qualify my agency as an Ageways DSP network provider.