Site Safety Plan

The purpose of this checklist is to assist University Environmental, Health and Safety personnel in assessing contractor compliance with all federal, state and local regulations in addition to Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi (TAMU-CC) policies that address occupational and environmental health and safety. This checklist must be completed and approved before the project begins by the general contractor. The Environmental, Health & Safety (EH&S) staff is available, with advance notice, to attend a safety coordination meeting to assist the contractor in the completion of this checklist. It is the contractor's responsibility to provide the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and all safety-related equipment for their employees, including but not limited to hard hats, safety glasses, face shields and gloves.

Project Type*

Please indicate the type of project by choosing from a Facilities or P&C project.

If other, put NA

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Emergency Information: In case of Emergency call:

(361) 825 - 4444
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(361) 825 - 5555
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(SDS) Safety Data Sheets?

Organization Key Personnel

Email address only !


Campus Impact - Noise, Odor or Dust?*

Will this project generate any noise, odor or dust?

Campus Impact - Air Quality?*

Will the air quality in any building be affected by this project and if so, will steps be taken to minimize their effect?

Campus Impact - parking & building access?*

Will parking and building access be affected?

Campus Impact - pedestrian & vehicular affected?*

Will pedestrian and vehicular movement be affected?

Campus Impact - evacuation?*

Will building evacuation routes be affected?

Campus Impact - roads or sidewalks closed?*

Will roads or sidewalks be closed?

Campus Impact - disrupt any utilities?*

Will this project disrupt any utilities?

Lockout/Tagout - locking out a piece of equipment*

If the project involves lockout and/or tagout, all work shall be done in accordance with OSHA standard 29CFR 1910.147 "Control of Hazardous Energy." Contact Facilities Services before locking out a piece of equipment

Lockout/Tagout - contractor responsibility*

The contractor is responsible for providing locks and tags for their employees.

Electrical Safety - energized electrical system*

If the project necessitates work on energized electrical systems, all work shall be done in strict accordance with NFPA 70E "Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces". (Please note: working on de-energized equipment should be the goal whenever possible.)

Confined Space Entry - confined space project*

If entry into confined space is required by the contractor as part of the scope of the project, the contractor must have a formal CSE program in accordance with OSHA 1910.146.

Hot work - hot work project*

If the contractor will be performing any hot work (e.g. welding, cutting, brazing and roofing) during the project, the contractor must contact E,H&S daily for a hot work application permit.

Excavation Work - contractor equipment*

Excavation work must be conducted in accordnace with OSHA 29 CFR Parts 1926.650 throught 1926.652. The contractor shall provide all of the equipment necessary to safely excavate.(Please note: Excavations greater than 20ft. deep must have a protective system(s) designed by a professional engineer.)

Excavation Work - secure from access*

The contractor shall ensure that all open excavations are secured from unauthorized access.

Fall Protection - formal fall protection*

The contractor must have a formal fall protection program in accordance with OSHA requirements, if the scope of the project involves work on any height higher than 6 feet. The contractors employees must have the necessary fall protection equipment to safety perform the task required by the scope of the project.

Fall Protection - scaffolding*

If scaffolding is to be used, a scaffold competent person must be present on the job site, whenever scaffolding is being erected or dismantled. The contractor will ensure that the scaffolding is secured to prevent public access.

Fall Protection - onto roof safety*

If the contractor has to get project materials onto the roof, advance notification to EH&S. UPD is required and the area must be cordoned off for pedestrian safety.

Fall Protection - safety from roof*

If materials are to be removed from the roof, a chute or crane must be used, along with the appropriate area being cordoned off for pedestrian safety.

Compressed Gas Cylinders - required?*

Will this project require the use of any compressed gas cylinders?

Compressed Gas Cylinders- If so, contractor agrees*

If so, the contractor agrees to safely secure these cylinders to prevent an accident.

Chemicals - Use of chemicals?*

Will this project require the use of chemical(s) or products containing chemicals?

Chemicals - If YES to previous question*

If YES, upon request, the contractor(s) agrees to provide the University with a list of all the chemicals/products to be used, as well as all Safety Data Sheets (SOS) before using the chemical(s).

Chemicals - odors expected?*

If odors are expected during the project, contractor agrees appropriate measures will be taken to minimize the effect on building occupants.

Chemical Odors - completion of project?*

Upon completion of the project, the contractor(s) will make the appropriate arrangements to have all unused chemicals disposed in accordance with all federal, state and local rules and regulations.

Asbestos - ACM inspection?*

Should the project area be inspected for any Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) before any work begins.

Asbestos - prior sampling?*

If prior sampling of any project area has already been done, these results will be shared with EH&S and the contractor as requested.

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