DCR Research Proposal

Dear Researcher:

The Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR) mission is to protect, promote, and enhance our common wealth of natural, cultural, and recreational resources for the well-being of all. Research is an essential component of DCR’s efforts.

DCR embraces collaboration and partnership with educational institutions, academic and professional researchers, and environmental organizations interested in conducting research on agency lands consistent with the agency’s mission. DCR and partner coordination avoids inadvertent disruption to agency management activities, mitigates impacts to ecologically or culturally sensitive areas and maximizes the benefits of research to the agency and the researcher. The permit application is the first element of a DCR Research Management System that enables partner research and access to a community of individuals that have contributed to the collective knowledge of DCR managed properties through their research.

All individuals or entities planning to conduct research on DCR lands begin by completing and submitting a Research Proposal. Proposals must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the desired start date. Once submitted, applications are reviewed by DCR local, regional, Office of Natural Resources, and senior staff. A site visit with the applicant may be necessary to clarify details and assess potential ecological or operational impacts. Please note that applications to DCR may also require approvals from local, state, or federal agencies.

Accepted research proposals are allowed for a maximum period of one calendar year. Each year, project proponents must submit an annual report of work completed during the year. The annual report is a prerequisite to a project being allowed in subsequent years. Research principals are responsible for submitting renewal requests and notifying DCR’s Research Office of project completion. Renewal Proposals must detail any changes to methods, scope, project proponents, and/or study locations. Renewal Proposals must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the desired start date.

Submit reports, theses or dissertations, research manuscripts, journal articles, publications and other pertinent material to the Research Office.

Thank you for your interest in conducting research on DCR lands. The DCR Research Office is committed to a partnership that benefits everyone. We look forward to forming and growing relationships to increase our understanding of our common wealth of natural resources.


Don Kent

Director, DCR Research Office

Applications must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the proposed start date and include

Project Status*

Please indicate if you are applying for a new project or renewing a previously issued agreement.


A completed study methodology document must be uploaded as an attachment in the application.

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Annual report submission:

An annual report is required prior to requesting a research permit renewal. Follow this link to submit your report.

Please select or write the number of your previously issued research agreement/research permit. Example: Research Agreement "R-999, r" = "999" in field below.

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Select yes if there are any changes to research locations, participants, or methodology from your previously issued permit.

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Change(s) to Methodology

A change in methodology requires an addendum to the previously submitted permit application detailing what specifically was altered. Please fill out this word document and submit in "Documents to Upload" with the remainder of this submission form filled out.

Please select which DCR State Parks, State Forests and/or Reservations are involved in your study. If unsure whether identified study location is on DCR property, refer to our DCR Stewardship Map

Note: if your selected research area is on DCR Watershed property, you must fill out a DCR Watershed research permit application.

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NHESP Priority Habitat:*

Please indicate if the desired project location intersects any Estimated or Priority Habitats according to the latest NHESP Atlas.

Note: To identify NHESP priority habitat, refer to our DCR Stewardship Map. Select "NHESP Priority Habitat of Rare Species" in the "Layer List" and zoom in to desired study location.

Research Category:*

Please indicate the primary category of your research subject

Key Words

Please select or enter 2-3 key words to describe your research

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Research Timing

Reminder: Research permits are granted for a maximum of 1 calendar year and require a renewal permit application for additional years.

Will work involve use of DCR lands during night-time hours?*

Contact Info

First and last name

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First and last name

Select or enter value
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Lisa all additional participants, separate names with semi colon (;)

In the same order as above, list additional participant(s) affiliation.

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In the same order as above, list additional participant(s) email.

Accompanying Permits

Are there any permits, Memorandums of Understanding, and/or approval correspondence from other pertinent local, state, and/or federal entities needed for your proposed research?

Including but not limited to, a Migratory Bird Banding Permit from the US Fish & Wildlife Service, a Scientific Collection Permit from MA Division of Fisheries & Wildlife and/or Approval Letter from the MA Natural Heritage Endangered Species Program, or a permit issued by a Conservation Commission.

Below, please select the necessary permits you've acquired for your proposed research

Please include your U.S. Federal Bird Banding and Marking Permit number and date issued. i.e... ###### - 3/6/2023

Please include your MA DFW Scientific Collection Permit number and date issued. i.e... ###### - 3/6/2023

Please include the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program employee who approved of your research project and the date you received approval

Please include the Conservation Commission name, permit number, and date received. i.e... Boston Conservation Commission - ###### - 3/6/2023

Please include the name, number, and date of the additional permit(s) you recieved

Renewal documents:

Are there any documents you'd like to upload to accompany your request for renewal?

Note: researchers requesting renewal do not need to submit methodology documentation if no changes were made from the previously submitted application.

1) Research application and methodology (word doc or pdf)

Complete the document contained in the link above and include in submission.

2) Study site map

Indicate all study sites on a map. Suitable base maps include DCR trail maps or USGS topo maps. Include any appropriate coordinates, shapefiles, or feature class files if available (maximum size of 10 MB per submittal). Be as accurate and clear as possible.

3) Liability insurance

It is requested that you secure a Certificate of Liability Insurance that covers all participants with a minimum amount of 1 million dollars for your site work. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Conservation and Recreation, must be named as additional insured for the dates of your field research.

Drag and drop files here or

For any questions regarding DCR's research agreements, contact DCR.OfficeofResearch@mass.gov