Verde - Cooling Portland Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in Verde’s Cooling Portland. To be eligible for a free air conditioning unit, you must:

1. Live within Portland City Limits

2. Have an income that is 60% or less of the Area Median Income, adjusted for household size

Additionally, applicants who meet the following criteria will be prioritized:

1.Over 60 years of age

2.Have medical conditions that increase the risk of heat-related illness

3.Live alone

There is a limit of 1 unit per household. We kindly ask that if your household already has a functioning air conditioning unit, that you refrain from applying for one through the Heat Response Program as we are trying to assist households that have no means of cooling their home.

Please complete the following application form. If you meet the eligibility requirements, we will contact you to schedule an installation appointment.

For more information, visit

Here is a reference video for what to expect during an installation.

Gracias por su interés en el programa Cooling Portland de Verde. Para ser elegible para una unidad de aire acondicionado gratis, debe:

1. Estar ubicado en Portland

2. Tener un ingreso inferior al 60 % del nivel de ingreso medio del área.

Además, se le dará prioridad a los solicitantes que cumplan con los siguientes criterios:

1. Es mayor de 60 años de edad

2. Tiene condiciones médicas que aumentan los riesgos de enfermedades relacionadas con el calor.

3. Vives solo(a/x).

Hay un límite de 1 unidad por hogar. Le pedimos amablemente que, si su hogar ya tiene una unidad de aire acondicionado en funcionamiento, se abstenga de solicitar uno a través del Programa de Respuesta al Calor, ya que estamos tratando de ayudar a los hogares que no tienen medios para enfriar su hogar.

Por favor llene el siguiente formulario de solicitud. Si cumple con los requisitos de elegibilidad, nos comunicaremos con usted para programar una cita de instalación.

Para obtener mas informacion visite

Aqui esta un video sobre lo que puede esperar durante su instalacion.

Please visit to determine if your address is within Portland City Limits.

Income Bracket*

Click here to confirm income bracket

Select ALL applicable.

Seleccione todo lo que corresponda.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
Power Near Window?*

Portable Unit requires a vent (ie. a window). Do you have a 3 prong outlet within 5 feet of desired location?

Housing provider*

Do you currently live in housing provided by any of the following agencies:

Have you Received an AC unit from the PCEF Heat Response Program?*

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