Yellow Ribbon Application

***Please Note***

If you have already completed this application, or are a current Yellow Ribbon recipient returning to the same program/school it is not necessary to complete this form again.

The Yellow Ribbon program is an additional amount of funding for qualified Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill ® recipients which is used for any remaining mandatory tuition and fee costs once the annual maximum Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill ® funding has been exceeded.

Emory University has a specific amount of Yellow Ribbon awards available by application on a first come, first serve basis.

To qualify for Yellow Ribbon funding at Emory the student must complete/comply with all the following:

  1. Meet the VA’s Yellow Ribbon qualification standards. Visit the VA standards website and see the Am I Eligible for Yellow Ribbon section. To provide proof that this criterion is met the student must supply a COE which states they qualify for Yellow Ribbon.
  2. Complete the Yellow Ribbon Application.
  3. The school must have an available Yellow Ribbon award for the semester which you enter. Each school has a limited number of Yellow Ribbon awards, and each is filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Submission of an application does not guarantee approval.

Yellow Ribbon funds are awarded to eligible recipients on a first come first serve basis and are limited to the number of awards available at the time of application/enrollment.

The completion of an application does not guarantee approval.

Your school’s maximum number of awards and amounts are listed at the website below.

Yellow Ribbon School Participation Table

This is a 7 digit number beginning with a 2


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Only 100% eligible Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill® recipients may apply for YR funding.

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Only 100% eligible Chapter 33 Post 9/11 GI Bill® recipients may apply for YR funding.

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I understand that I will only be awarded YR as needed which will be the lesser of either 1/2 the amount of mandatory tuition and fees which exceeds the maximum Post 9/11 Gi Bill ® tuition reimbursement or the maximum amount of the school’s YR award.

(check the box below to acknowledge)

I understand that should I lose Post 9/11 GI Bill ® eligibility and/or fail to notify the School Certifying Official and my school’s Yellow Ribbon liaison, any YR funding awarded to me will be owed back to the school and/or VA and will be deducted from my student account.

(check the box below to acknowledge)

I understand that if I transfer, or matriculate as a dual or co major from one Emory school to another I must reapply for a YR award at the destination school and that my award from one Emory school does not transfer and/or apply at another.

(check the box below to acknowledge)

I understand that if I withdraw or take a Leave of Absence, or do not attend courses in a compulsory (Fall, Spring) term I forfeit any remaining YR award for the year and will need to reapply upon my return.

(check the box below to acknowledge)

Upload a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility (COE)

Drag and drop files here or