Collaborative Roadmap Survey

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Please share a little bit about yourself.

Varied Planning Requirements

We are looking at ways the state can provide more assistance to local governments, particularly cities and counties, with fewer resources. Which of these options, if any, do you think Washington state should fund to help local governments plan under the Growth Management Act? Please select all that apply.

Varied Planning - Question 2

Should more counties be required to regularly update countywide planning policies?

Varied Planning - Question 3

Should slow-growing cities and counties that fully plan under the Growth Management Act have fewer requirements if their growth rate falls below a certain rate in the years leading up to their comprehensive plan update?

Reduce conflicts, gaps, and redundancies

What are specific ideas you may have for how to eliminate gaps, conflicts, and overlaps in state requirements? Please briefly describe up to three below.

Annexations and Special Districts

Annexations - Question 1

Should the state provide financial incentives to encourage cities to annex land in their urban growth area?

Annexations - Question 2

A state law that created a sales tax incentive for annexations expired in 2015. It only applied to annexations in King, Pierce, and Snohomish counties, and to areas with at least 10,000 people. It was not an increase in the sales tax. Instead, communities receive back a small portion of the sales and use tax from the revenue that would be going to the state.

Should the sales tax incentive be reinstated?

Annexations - Question 3

If it is reinstated, should the sales tax credit for annexations be permitted for cities in additional counties?

Annexations - Question 4

Should the amount cities get in the sales tax incentive be increased, even if that means less revenue at the state level?

Do you have any additional specific feedback on annexations? (text box)

Integrating water, sewer, ports, and school districts into Growth Management Act planning

Integrating - Question 1

Should state laws that guide how water, sewer, school systems, and ports plan for future services be consistent with how cities and counties plan for growth?

Why or why not?

Do you have specific technical information or suggestions that can help us frame how to approach this topic?

Equity, environmental justice, human health and wellbeing in the Growth Management Act

Equity - Question 1

Should cities and counties have to consider equity as they develop specific plans and policies for future growth and change?

Equity - Question 2

Should cities and counties have to consider environmental justice as they develop specific plans and policies for future growth and change?

Equity - Question 3

Should cities and counties have to consider human health and wellbeing as they develop specific plans and policies for future growth and change?

When jurisdictions are planning, which of the following planning areas are most important in relation to equity? Please choose your top three.

When jurisdictions are planning, which of the following planning areas are most important in relation to environmental justice? Please choose your top three.

When jurisdictions are planning, which of the following planning areas are most important in relation to human health and wellbeing? Please choose your top three.

How should cities and counties pay for any new requirements in the Growth Management Act to require more thorough engagement with groups that are typically underrepresented in the planning process and unevenly affected by its outcomes?

How and when can cities and counties best integrate equity in community engagement?

Do you have any other specific information we should be considering?

Housing Tax Benefits

Housing Tax - Question 1

Should cities and counties receive state tax incentives to allow more diverse housing types?

Housing Tax - Question 2

If yes, should cities and counties receive state tax incentives to allow more diverse housing types, even if that means less tax revenue for the state?

Do you have any more specific information or suggestions on what we should consider when looking at financial tax incentives for housing?

Do you have any general perspectives on housing availability and affordability you would like us to consider?

Middle Housing Definitions

Middle Housing - Question 1

Should the State require or incentivize certain housing types or densities when transit service is readily available?

If yes, should the state:

Whether required or incentivized, which of the following housing types should the state focus on? Please choose all that apply.

Middle Housing - Question 4

Should denser housing options, like larger apartment buildings or mixed-use developments, be required or encouraged, when transit service is more frequent or higher capacity (like light rail or bus rapid transit)?

If yes, should the state:

Do you have any specific information you’d like us to consider on middle housing types?

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