Report a Possible Code Violation

When to use

Use this form to complain about a possible code violation in your area. The fields with a red asterisk (*) are required. In some cases, additional information is required to best answer the request. For that reason, please enter a name, address, and telephone number. Information related to the complaint is confidential and will not be released to the public. If you are a renter, and have a complaint about your rental unit, please fill out the Rental Unit Complaint form.

Contact information

Phone Type
Caret IconCaret symbol

Violation details

Reporting the correct address is very important. Example: 2530 Main St. NW. If reporting a violation at a vacant lot, provide the block number or the direction from a known address. Good Example: "Vacant lot on the west side of 2530 Main St. NW." Bad Example: "On the corner of Main and 1st."

Use detailed examples: "junk car in yard", "rundown garage", "broken windows", "tall grass", "junk in yard." Do not include opinions: "Looks bad", "needs to be condemned."

Tennessen warning

Data that identify individuals who complain about violations of laws concerning the use of real property are classified as confidential data under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. Housing Inspection Services may collect such data from renters. The information is necessary to contact the renter to schedule an inspection and to be able to obtain any additional information that may be necessary to address specific complaints. Complainants are not required to provide their personal information. However, in the case of an interior housing tenant complaint, Housing Inspection Services is unable to take any enforcement action against the property owner unless a tenant is willing to cooperate with Housing Inspection Services so interior violations can be verified. The identities of individuals who register complaints about the use of real property not be provided to the public, but an individual who is potentially subject to criminal or civil penalties for an alleged violation may have the right to obtain the identities of complainants if his/her due process rights so require.

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