Child Development Center Request Time Off/Report an Absence

Requesting Time Off: Please submit your request at least one week prior. Reporting an Absence: This form should be used to report your absence in advance or on the day of your absence before the start of your shift.


Use the dropdown list to select the class you report to or your work location.

Select or enter value
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Enter the start date you are requesting time off or the start date of your absence.

Enter the end date of your requested time off or the end date of your absence.

Enter the date you will return/report back to work.

Enter your work shift hours (i.e. 11:30am - 2:00pm)

Total time Off Requested*

Is this Time Off/Report an Absence request COVID related?*
Did you complete an MSAC Employee Health Check Screening?*

If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, fill out the Health Check Screening below. Employee Health Check|

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