HCCC ITS Faculty/Staff Laptop Loan Request
Guidelines for Use
1. The computer remains the property of HCCC.
2. The user must take reasonable care to avoid damage or loss of the laptop. All cables and accessories are to be stored safely. 3. Users are responsible for bringing the computer(s) to ITS for updates and maintenance.
4. Internet use must be appropriate to minimize the chance of data loss through malware.
5. Personally identifiable student data must not be stored on the computer. All college data must backed up and/or stored in a network location (OneDrive).
6. All major computer faults must be reported to ITS promptly.
7. The computer is for HCCC user’s use and must not be transferred to a third party.
8. Make every effort to store the computer securely.
Computer Use Agreement I wish to apply for, and confirm that I am willing to accept the responsibility for, taking into my possession an HCCC computer. I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the attached ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’ and am willing to take responsibility for the laptop subject to these ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’ and such other policies as are determined by HCCC. By acknowledging this ‘Computer Use Agreement Form,’ I agree to the following terms and conditions of use and accept delivery of the computer.