Learning Assistant Agreement Form
**Must be completed with the supervising instructor**
Learning Assistants (LA’s) are high-performing, motivated undergraduate students who assist instructors and students in the teaching-learning enterprise. They serve as learning coaches and mentors for students, while supporting instructors with teaching-related and grading-related tasks. LA’s are assigned to a particular course, and they work closely with instructors to provide challenging and meaningful learning experiences for enrolled students.
Read this document for suggestions for instructors working with learning assistants: https://pennstateoffice365-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/ecf10_psu_edu/EXiiRPtHj1BCmLbQ8nObOpUB03YJuyuNsjyZrmnVY0e2pA
- Completion of course with a grade of A- or better
- GPA of 3.2 or higher
- Good communication (speaking and writing)
- Professionalism
- Demonstrated initiative Mandatory Responsibilities (See expanded list here: https://pennstateoffice365-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/ecf10_psu_edu/EaUSkEu8k5lGvKgdeJyP2m0BLwyLwPd_9U8L0pAwQoctzw?e=ltIClD)
- Communicate with supervising instructor, any additional teaching staff, and students in the course
- Prepare for specific teaching- and learning-related assignments
- Attend class and scheduled meetings
Additional Responsibilities as Assigned by the Supervising Instructor:
See possible responsibilities below. Both instructor and learning assistant should review responsibilities and check box if applicable to the LA's role in the course.
* A word of caution: LA’s may be assigned to a class in which friends or classmates from other courses are enrolled. Work with your LA to minimize conflicts of interest. At a minimum, this means that LA’s should NOT grade assignments, quizzes, or tests of an acquaintance or friend in the class and should NOT be solely responsible for proctoring exams.
Feedback and Evaluation: Formative feedback should be given to the LA at mid-semester (ideally, to be completed by students in the course and by the instructor); this feedback is shared with the LA and instructor only. A performance evaluation should occur at the end of the semester (ideally, to be completed by students in the course and by the instructor); these results are shared with the LA and instructor and filed in the College.
Start/End Dates: Start date is Thursday before classes begin. (LA’s may work with instructors online prior to classes.) End date is the last day of Finals Week—or whatever earlier date the instructor sets. (LA’s should make end-of-semester travel plans accordingly.)
Please Note: A separate form must be completed for each LA Assignment