Mentorship Group Program Enrollment Form

Welcome to the enrolment form for College's Mentorship Group Program. This form will allow you to enrol in the mentorship group component of the mentorship program. Under this program, groups of individuals will meet periodically to discuss the issues and topics of interest and to guide one another in their roles which may cut across several committees.

You can belong to more than one group. To facilitate this, the form will reload for another entry once you submit your information.

Please enter your first name.

Please enter your last name.

If you are registered with the College, please enter your registration number.

Please enter the email address you wish to use for this program. It does not need to be the same as the primary email address you use with the College.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please indicate the group you are enrolling in.

Copy of Submission

Below is a check box to receive a copy of your submission. It is recommended that you check this box and enter your e-mail address for a second time. This will enable the on-line system to send you a copy of the information that you have provided to the College on this form.