Business Clearance Application

Thank you for submitting your clearance application. Please allow 7-10 business days for processing.

Incomplete applications may be denied. All tax returns must be filed and balances paid before a clearance will be issued. All returns will remain subject to audit for the preceding five (5) tax years, according to the City of Detroit’s CFO directive to enforce relevant state and local law.

If you have been denied, please do not resubmit your clearance application, contact us at for assistance.

Applicant Information

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Please select the department(s) from the dropdown list.

Select or enter value
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Business Information

Corporation (This could be an LLC filed using an EIN): A corporation filing is a separate form from its owners (shareholders) in terms of income taxes. A corporation pays income taxes by filing a corporate tax return and paying the taxes as indicated by the return.

Partnership (This could be an LLC filed using an EIN): A Partnership filing is an informative return to report their income, gains, losses, deductions, credits, etc. A partnership does not pay tax on its income but “passes through” any profits or losses to its partners.

Sole Proprietor/Single Member LLC (This could be an LLC filed using your Social Security Number): A sole proprietor/single member LLC filing is a business that legally has no separate existence from its owner. Income and losses are taxed on the individual’s personal income tax return. It’s an entity which is run and owned by one individual and where there is no distinction between the owner and the business.

Nonprofit: A Nonprofit filing is a nonprofit corporation formed in which members may not receive any profits of the corporation. Some purposes for which nonprofit corporations are commonly formed are those involving religious, educational and charitable activities.

Estate/Trusts: Estates & Trust income tax returns are the same as an individual or business would file but for a decedent’s estate or living trust after his/her death. The report reports income, capital gains, deductions, and losses, but subject to somewhat different rules than those that apply to living individuals.

Do not select Individual in this form. Please use the Individual Clearance form.

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If your DBA Name is different than your business name please provide that here.

If your business has a physical location in Detroit, please enter the address here. If not, please enter the business' main address.

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Is the company newly established?*

Will your company file an extension for the current tax year?*
Has this company ever conducted business within the city of Detroit limits and/or with the City of Detroit governmental entity?*

Note: This includes, but not limited to, doing business or having contracts with the City of Detroit.

Does this company have employees on-site in Detroit?*

What type of employees are working in Detroit?*
Does this company have real estate in the City of Detroit for the purpose of this application?*
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Status of Property

The number looks like this - XX99XXXX.XX To request a new personal property tax number, please fill out the form here.

If you have questions regarding your personal property tax number contact the Detroit Taxpayer Service Center at 313-224-3560 or

Are you an executive of this company?

If No, please attach a power of attorney below in order to allow for visibility about income tax matters. If you need a template for a power of attorney form, please visit the State of Michigan website.

Are there other owners of this partnership?*
Is the applicant the parent company or a subsidiary?*

A parent and subsidiary relationship is where the parent company files its subsidiaries' income taxes and/or is the majority shareholder.

Please provide the Parent company's FEIN number in Docusign in Step 2.

Additional Real Estate and Property Questions

Separate the addresses with a semicolon - " ; "

Does this Company have additional personal property within the City of Detroit?*

If you have questions regarding your personal property tax number contact the Detroit Taxpayer Service Center at 313-224-3560 or

The number looks like this - XX99XXXX.XX. Separate the addresses with a semicolon - " ; "

File Upload

Drag and drop files here or

Thank you! This is step 1 of 2.

After submitting you will be directed to a Docusign page. You must submit your EIN information in order for this application to be completed.

The City of Detroit cares about the security of your financial information. This is why we are using Docusign to collect your personal information. Your application won't be complete until you enter this information.

Agreement to Docusign*