Facility Officer

Please complete the Application Form and submit by 5pm on Wednesday 09 April. Please note applications may be reviewed sooner. Successful applicants will be contacted by 5pm on Friday 11 April for interviews.

Applications received after this time will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

The decision to progress your application to the next stage of the selection process will be based only on the information you provide on this form. Please ensure you upload your C.V. before submitting.

If you have any questions please contact Hamzah.Dhalech@northumberlandfa.com or via 07856 906634.

About you

Facilities Officer
Caret IconCaret symbol
Caret IconCaret symbol

About the role

Please outline your skills, knowledge and experience which are relevant to the role you are applying for, including examples from either paid or unpaid/voluntary work. You can format this as bullet points but please ensure that you directly reference the skills and knowledge outlined in the Role Profile.

The way we work at Northumberland FA is built on the values outlined in the Role Profile. Please provide examples of how you have demonstrated these values in your work or everyday life.

Your references

Any offer of a role will be subject to receipt of two satisfactory references. Please provide the details of two referees. Your first referee must be your current or most recent employer. Your second referee should be a different employer, representative of an organisation in which you volunteer or have volunteered or a representative of an educational establishment. Personal references should only be given where there is no previous employer, voluntary organisation or educational establishment to which reference can be made. By entering a reference you are confirming agreement for Northumberland FA to contact them prior to appointment if offered a position. Reference 1 Full Name

I give my consent to the storage of personal data contained within this form for the purposes only of this application process. I can confirm and declare that the information provided on the form, to the best of my knowledge is complete, accurate and not misleading.

Please upload a copy of your C.V. including your employment and volunteering history as well as any education and qualifications.

Drag and drop files here or

On submission you will be directly taken to our Diversity & Monitoring form - completion of this is optional.