Committee Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for an ASHHRA committee. ASHHRA is currently accepting applications for the following committees:

  • Annual Conference Education Committee (ACEC)
  • Learning and Education Committee (L&EC)

NOTE: You must currently be an active ASHHRA Member to apply. Click here to log in to your account and verify your membership status.


  • Most appointments are for two years.
  • Annual Conference Education Committee appointments are for two conference cycles.


  • Volunteer space is limited and ASHHRA cannot guarantee everyone who applies will be selected to serve in the upcoming year/conference.
  • Occasionally, a position may open up during the year, giving a new volunteer the opportunity to complete the rest of the position's term. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and spots are filled as needed (with the majority beginning at the start of each calendar year).
  • Visit for more details.

You must be an active ASHHRA member in order to serve on a committee. Please include your ASHHRA Member ID number in the box below:

Committee Charges and Expectations

Please indicate if you have interest in serving on each of the following committees by checking the box below the description.

Annual Conference Education Committee (ACEC)


The Annual Conference Education Committee (ACEC) will assess the needs of members by analyzing internal and external market research to create annual conference learning sessions that bring value to membership. Working closely with the ASHHRA staff, the committee will be responsible for the review and selection of the annual conference learning sessions, ensuring these sessions meet the overarching goals and needs of that year’s conference. The committee also contributes to the value of ASHHRA membership by considering and recommending ideas to extend the learning and educational opportunities beyond the traditional bounds of the conference, encouraging ways to make the expertise featured at our conference available to those who are unable to attend.


  • Monthly conference calls: one to two hours per month (time commitment is greater when reviewing conference abstracts for learning sessions).
  • Attend the ASHHRA Annual Conference: Four days plus travel.
  • Serve as learning session room support during ASHHRA annual conference.
  • Serve as content experts to determine educational needs for special programs such as preconference sessions, the Thought Leader Forum, Executive Symposium and others.
  • Opportunity to lead and facilitate specialized learning sessions during the annual conference.

Learning and Education Committee (L&EC)


The Learning and Education Committee (L&EC) will assess the needs of members by analyzing internal and external market research to identify those services and product opportunities that bring value to membership. The committee will develop and review programs, products, and services that support ASHHRA’s strategic plan and will work closely with ASHHRA staff to serve as subject matter experts. As subject matter experts they will be asked to create content for both self-paced and instructor led online learning products and publications.


  • Active participation in hour-long bi-monthly conference calls plus additional project work.
  • Serve as content experts to determine education needs.
  • Collaborate with ASHHRA staff to create curriculum for educational development.
  • Attendance at the ASHHRA annual conference encouraged.

Please attach your resume here.

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