The American Institute of Architects (AIA)

Complaint Form for Reporting


If you believe that you have been subjected to conduct in violation of the AIA’s Non-Discrimination, Anti-Harassment, and Complaint Policy, while attending or engaged in AIA-hosted events or activities, or while at an AIA venue (such as at AIA’s offices); or when participating in business, social activities, or discussions at AIA, you may file a complaint with AIA by completing this form.

If you are more comfortable reporting harassment by speaking with someone, you may do so by contacting Kevin Watkins, Chief Membership Officer, at 202-626-7370.

AIA staff should contact Human Resources directly to make a report.

Anonymous Reporting*

AIA recognizes that in some cases, individuals who have been harassed are reluctant to identify themselves. In such cases, the individual may make an anonymous report. Would you like to submit this report anonymously?

Please note: if you choose to report anonymously, we may not be able to fully investigate all reported concerns. In some cases, additional information, including identity, may be necessary to act under this policy.


Individual who is the subject of your complaint.


Please include the city, state, and what type of AIA event this occurred at:

•    Attending and/or engaged in an AIA-hosted event/activity;

•    While at an AIA venue; or

•    While participating in business, social activities and/or discussions at AIA.

Please give as much detail as possible.

Is the harassment ongoing?*

List names and contact information of any witnesses or individuals who may have information related to your complaint.

Upload any additional documentation that will support your claim.

Please note: All materials submitted will remain confidential.

Drag and drop files here or

Type your full name.

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