Master Outside Education Approval Form

A maximum of 8 credits (one credit per course hour) can be earned from outside education during a Master recertification period. To receive these credits, please complete this form and submit with a certificate of course completion and a description of the course. For outside education to be approved it must meet the following requirements:

1. The course must be offered by the American Bar Association, American Society of Appraisers, Institute of Business Appraisers, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, or the National Association of Realtors.

2. Courses from other Associations may be considered at the discretion of the Credentialing and Education Committees. If a course is to be accepted for recertification, either from one of the associations listed above or from another association the course must meet the following criteria:

    o The course must be a structured educational course, not a workshop or seminar.

    o The course must be at least 4 hours in duration.

    o Course must be related to the M&A profession.

The Credentialing Committee will review submissions and approve credits within 30 days.

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Please describe how this course is related to the M&A profession.

I attest the above information to be factual and true.