Out of State
Fingerprint Card Request
Criminal History Records Check - Out of State Applicants
A full Criminal History Records Check is a requirement to obtain a license issued by the Maryland Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, Speech-Language Pathologists and Music Therapists. This includes all initial licenses, transfers from limited to full licensure, and all renewal licenses (including reinstatement of a license or reactivation of a license).
A licensee shall undergo a new criminal records history check as set forth in Health Occupations Article, ยง2-303.1, Annotated Code of Maryland, every three renewal cycles or every 6 years.
These instructions are for individuals who reside outside of Maryland where it is inconvenient to come to Maryland to complete the fingerprinting process. Please note that it is best to obtain fingerprints in Maryland. If fingerprints are able to be completed in Maryland please follow the procedure in the In-State instructions.
Out-of-State Instructions
The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services, Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) oversees Criminal History Records Checks. The record checks are conducted by the applicant/licensee being fingerprinted.
CJIS Authorization #: 1600003672
FBI ORI#: MD920528Z
Reason Fingerprinted:
- Audiologist license
- Audiology Assistant license
- Hearing Aid Dispenser license
- Speech-Language Pathologist license
- Speech-Language Pathology Assistant license
- Music Therapist license
Type of Check: Governmental Licensing/Certification
In order to comply with the Criminal History Records Check requirement and to not delay the issuance of a license, please abide by these instructions. Please note that it may take up to five weeks for CJIS to issue the required reports to the Board. Out-of-state residents may use a location outside the State of Maryland, but must use the CJIS fingerprint card that has pre-printed Board specific information.
Applicants submitting an initial license should request a fingerprint card at least six weeks in advance of the anticipated date that licensure is required.