Chapters Corporate Strata Management Member Application Form

** This Application must be completed by the Principal of the Organisation or Authorised Representative**

Membership period 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2025

Membership fees are calculated pro-rata per annum from SCA Board approval date. Membership fees will include pro-rata for Financial Year 23/24 if joining before 1 July 2024.

From zero lots to 1,200 lots - Minimum fee $792 GST inc

From 1,201 lots to 6,500 – number of lots * 0.66 GST inc

For lots up to 6,500 - number of lots * 0.66 GST inc for the first 6,500 and those above are * 0.55 GST inc

NZ Membership Fees

From zero lots to 1,200 lots - Minimum fee $792 NZD

From 1,201 lots to 6,500 – number of lots * 0.66 NZD

For lots up to 6,500 - number of lots * 0.66 NZD for the first 6,500 and those above are * 0.55 NZD

Membership includes an unlimited number of Strata Managers and Support Staff.

PRIVACY POLICY: The data provided by your organisation shall remain confidential by SCA National, staff are not permitted to disclose this information to other parties including Board members or any third party in a manner that would identify an individual firm.

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Company/Business Details

Primary Contact Details

For SCA Communications for membership, renewal, CPD updates if it's different from Principal of the Company.

Individual Staff Membership Application Forms

As your membership includes an unlimited number of Strata Managers and Support Staff, at the time of submission of the Corporate application, please have your staff apply for Individual membership.

Please attach the following documents in support of the Corporate Strata Management Application.

- Two (2) Written References per membership (Clients, Suppliers, Service Providers or other SCA Members)

- Professional Indemnity Insurance Certificate of Currency (in accordance with Declaration below)

- Current Certificate of Incorporation

Drag and drop files here or

If all of the above documents are not provided, your application will not be considered complete and may not be accepted. SCA Ltd reserves the right to request a new application is completed with all the required documents should the application be received incomplete in the first instance.

I have attached all required documents to this application at time of first submission

A strata manager must obtain and maintain Professional Indemnity insurance as prescribed in the Regulations. The current prescribed minimum for Professional Indemnity insurance coverage in relation to the strata manager’s performance of functions as a strata manager is based on the minimum legislation requirement in your region.

I hereby confirm that the business subject to this membership holds an appropriate level of Professional Indemnity Insurance and will continue to maintain an appropriate level of Professional Indemnity Insurance for the duration of this membership. A PI Insurance Certificate must accompany the application.

I accept the Insurance Declaration

1. The information provided in this application is true and correct.

2. I agree to be governed by the SCA Ltd. Constitution, SCA Ltd. Code of Conduct, Chapter By-laws and Policies/Practices relevant to the region in which I am applying for membership from the date of my admission as a member and acknowledge the right of the SCA Board and the SCA Management to suspend or cancel my membership in accordance with the SCA Ltd. Constitution and Code of Conduct.

3. Certificate of Membership: The Board may issue a Certificate of Membership to members indicating their class of membership. The Certificate of Membership shall remain the property of SCA Ltd. and shall be returned to SCA Ltd. on demand or upon cessation of membership.

4. I hereby confirm that I understand if my membership is suspended or revoked, I am unable to advertise my SCA Chapter membership or continue to use the SCA Chapter Strata Management Agreement. In addition to this, I will also notify my clients accordingly as directed by the SCA Ltd. Board.

5. I accept that this declaration includes all Individual members (Strata Managers and Support Staff) attached to my Corporate Strata Management membership. Their membership will cease when I notify SCA Ltd. they are no longer employed by the Company.

6. I acknowledge that SCA Ltd. does not provide a guarantee for growth of my business.

I accept the above declaration

Cancellation Policy: Your membership may be cancelled should you breach the SCA Ltd. Code of Conduct and good business practice within the strata industry. There will be no refund if your membership is cancelled by SCA Ltd. or the Company cancels during the calendar year. SCA Ltd. reserves the right to cancel membership should payments not be received upon the third reminder - see payment policy hereon.

Payment Policy: Invoices must be paid promptly within the 14 day period specified on the invoice. SCA Ltd. will provide members with a reminder email should payment not be received within 14 days. If payment is still not received upon receipt of the third reminder, membership and all associated services provided by SCA Ltd. will be automatically cancelled. In this case a member is not allowed to advertise the status of membership on any stationary, online media, etc. anymore. Should a member wish to rejoin immediately after cancellation of membership was issued, a $100.00 administration fee is applicable.

I accept the above declaration


Tick the box below to get a copy of your responses.