AHE Preferred Education Provider (PEP) Application


The AHE PEP program identifies organizations (e.g. AHE Chapters and other for-profit and nonprofit organizations) to offer Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for education sessions. These credits can be used towards renewal of the CHESP certification, renewal of the T-CHEST, T-CSCT, T-CNACC designations, and renewal of the CHEST and CSCT certifications. CECs can also be used to fulfill application requirements for the AHE Fellow recognition programs.

In addition to the online application, the following documentation (Word document, .pdf, etc.) MUST be attached for EACH education session. Incomplete applications will be returned.

  • Session title
  • Session description
  • Learning objectives (minimum of 3)
  • Faculty/speaker name(s)
  • Faculty/speaker biography/ies
  • Timed agenda

Once approved, preferred education providers are responsible for monitoring attendance and providing proof of attendance to all participants. A CEC certificate template will be provided.

Not applying for a chapter
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Please select if you would like your education activity to be posted on the AHE Event Calendar and promoted when possible.

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For non-AHE Chapters (e.g. institutions, individuals, corporations or vendors) an annual fee is applied to the first application each year. Once the initial application is approved, an organization can offer CECs until the end of that calendar year.

Please select your organization type below.

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Leaders competencies fulfil content requirements for CHESP certification, T-CHEST, T-CSCT and T-CNACC designations.

Technicians competencies fulfil content requirements for CHEST and CSCT certifications.

Only education portions can be included as CEC hours. Education time does not include general announcements, breaks, exhibits, lunch, vendor presentations, or association meetings. 60 minutes of presentation time = 1 CEC. Hours can be rounded up only for activities more than 30 minutes in length. Each session is rounded individually per the guidelines below:

  • 30 minutes = 0.5 CEC
  • 45 minutes = 1 CEC
  • 1 hour and 15 minutes = 1 CEC
  • 1 hour and 30 minutes = 1.5 CEC
  • 1 hour and 45 minutes = 2 CEC


Please attach a Word or .pdf file that includes supporting documentation. The following information MUST be included for EACH session in your education activity:

  • Session title
  • Session description
  • Learning objectives (minimum of 3)
  • Faculty/speaker name(s)
  • Faculty/speaker biography/ies
  • Timed agenda

Incomplete applications will be returned.

Drag and drop files here or

Please allow ten business days to process your request.

If you have questions, please contact us at ashe@aha.org or 312-422-3800.