NRCFA Promotion

Progression Pathway Application 2024/25


Please complete this Application form if you wish to apply for promotion as per The FA's Progression Pathway 2024/25 criteria.


In order to be considered eligible for the promotion scheme, you must agree that;

I understand and accept that data captured in this form will ONLY be used for purposes related to the Referee Promotion Scheme.

I understand that, I will need to make a contribution towards the administration of the scheme as follows:

Youth Promotion: £25.00

Level 7 to Level 6: £35.00

Level 6 to Level 5: £35.00

Level 5 to Level 4: £45.00

Women's 4W to 3W: £35.00

The payment MUST be made within 7 days of applying for promotion by bank transfer to the following:

North Riding County FA

20878340 (Account Number)

20-56-78 (Sort Code)

Please reference the payment your FAN number and Promotion Fee.

For Example: '5076171 Promotion Fee'

I understand that, from time-to-time, I will be appointed to County FA Appointments and that I must honour these appointments. These appointments take precedence over all others, baring those outlined in The FA Order of Precedence.

I hereby declare that none of the information in this application is false or misleading, and that I have a full understanding of what is required in joining the Promotion Scheme.

Should I withdraw from the Scheme, I understand that my fee will not be returned, other than if I withdraw through injury or illness, then I must provide a valid Doctor's Note.

The North Riding County FA is committed to achieving equality and fairness in employment and service delivery.

We welcome applications from all sections of the community particularly from underrepresented groups.

Best Wishes,

North Riding County FA Referees Department.

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