NCHFL Cochlear Implant Summer Camp

Dates: June 2--6, 2025

Time: 8 a.m. to noon

Location: Nemours Children's Hospital, Florida

6535 Nemours Parkway

Orlando, FL 32827

Admission Criteria

  • Child has 1 or 2 cochlear implants or will be getting a cochlear implant in the future
  • Child is capable of working in a group setting.
  • Child is cooperative in the management of his/her cochlear implants.
  • Child has no condition that poses a direct threat to self or others.
  • Child’s is school aged.


  1. All applicants must complete and return the Camper Application, Permissions, Consent to Participate and Authorizations, Discipline Policy, Interesting Facts About You, Medical Examination Form and Health History. All applicants need to submit a copy of their current immunization record with these documents.
  2. Your physician must complete and sign the Medical Examination Form. This must be returned at least 15 days prior to the start of camp.

We MUST have telephone numbers for emergency use where parent(s) or legal representative(s) can be reached for the entire camp session. The telephone number of a relative or friend who can be reached if parent(s) or legal representative(s) are unavailable will also be very helpful.



The Nemours Foundation d/b/a Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida (the “Camp Administrator”) operates education, recreation, and support programs for children with cochlear implants and their families.

Camp Administrator may use photographs, video, and audio recordings to communicate about the mission, programs, and activities of Camp Administrator to Camp Administrator families, the general public, organizations, foundations, civic organizations, and others who may have interest in supporting the mission of Camp Administrator. Camp Administrator may use/publish photographs, video and audio recordings taken at their activities. Participants’ consent for all purposes to the use or publication of photographs, video, and audio recordings of the participants (with or without the use of the participant’s name) by Camp Administrator in all forms of media and in all manners, including trade, display, advertising, editorial, art and exhibition. In giving this consent, participant releases Camp Administrator from liability for any violation of any personal and/or proprietary right that participant may have in connection with such use.

Camp Administrator finds it helpful to receive general information about participants of their programs. This information aids in understanding who is being served and helps with the creation of general statistical reports. All personal information is kept confidential. General information that you provide as a participant of this program may be used by Camp Administrator.

ATTENDEE NAMES - Please list everyone who will be attending. Also, will you provide the additional requested information to help us plan for programs that you attend, and to enable us to generate statistical reports – not including your name(s) - regarding those whom we serve please?


Hearing Loss*


Hearing Loss


Hearing Loss

Camp Administrator administrative, medical, program and committee volunteers are oriented to the Camp Administrator Confidentiality Policy, and sign an agreement that they will keep camper and parent/legal representative names and their contact and medical information confidential. Camp Administrator volunteers may represent the organization and contact the camper’s parent/ legal representative to inform him/her about the programs and activities of Camp Administrator.

I give permission for approved Camp Administrator volunteers to contact the parent/ legal representative of the above named child to provide information about the programs and activities of Camp Administrator.

Consent to Participate and Authorizations

I hereby permit my child to attend and participate in all programs and activities provided by Camp Administrator, throughout the duration of his/her stay, except for activities exempted on the Medical Examination Form.

I hereby authorize the Camp Administrator physician(s), or his/her authorized representative, to furnish or arrange for any medical and/or hospital care the above-named camper might require during such time as he/she is at the camp. I hereby authorize Camp Administrator and/or hospital physicians, nurses, hospitals, and their authorized personnel employed, contracted, paid on a fee basis or volunteer to perform all treatments and procedures as deemed necessary; this medical care may include, but not be limited to, examinations, treatments, immunizations, injections, anesthesia, surgery, and other procedures.                

I hereby authorize the release of medical records possessed by Camp Administrator to physicians, nurses, hospitals and their authorized personnel for the performance of treatments and procedures as deemed necessary upon my child. I understand that Camp Administrator will make a diligent effort to notify me if a medical emergency occurs and that I will receive a report of the treatment(s) and/or medication(s) given to the above-named camper.

The payment of medical costs incurred for treatment of medical conditions, illnesses or accidents while participating in Camp Administrator programs including but not limited to the purchase of any medications/prescriptions, hospitalizations and/or other medical care secured for the treatment of my child, that are not covered by the camper’s personal insurance, and the cost of such personal insurance coverage, is the responsibility of the camper and his/her parent/ legal representative. I understand that my insurance company may be billed for medical services provided to my child by medical personnel while he/she attends the camp.

In following OSHA guidelines of tissue and body fluid contamination, should an exposure of blood or other potentially infectious bodily fluids occur, including needle sticks, Camp Administrator obtains blood testing of individuals involved in the exposure. In the event my child is a party to an exposure of blood or other potentially infectious bodily fluids, including a needle stick, either as the individual receiving the exposure, or the person whose blood or potentially infectious bodily fluids were exposed to another, I hereby authorize Camp Administrator to have blood testing conducted on my child and do hereby grant approval for the results of such testing to be made available to Camp Administrator and to the party(s) involved in the exposure.

Camp Administrator is not responsible for personal items lost, misplaced, broken or otherwise damaged. Camp Administrator reserves the right to send a camper home if illness or other significant reason so dictates.

The undersigned hereby acknowledges that the activities and programs of Camp Administrator are potentially dangerous and there is risk of physical injury. In consideration for allowing my child to participate in the activities and/or programs of Camp Administrator, and use their premises, or the premises of their affiliated program partners, I hereby release and forever discharge Camp Administrator, their agents, officers, directors, employees, and volunteers, and all other persons or entities liable or claimed to be liable, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless from any and all claims, demands, damages, suits or injuries whatsoever arising from or related to my attendance, or the attendance of my child/family, at activities and/or programs of Camp Administrator.

Furthermore, the undersigned, parent/ legal representative if person(s) named on this form is/are minor children, acknowledge that they have read, understood, agree with and consent to the above policies of Camp Administrator.

Discipline Policy

In order to insure a safe, healthful environment for all campers, the following rules will apply and will be strictly enforced.

  1. Campers will be cooperative in the management of their cochlear implants, including but not limited to putting their devices on and asking for assistance if the device is not working.
  2. Campers will follow instructions and/or directives of staff having supervisory responsibility over them.
  3. Campers will remain in designated areas with their group, unless instructed by supervisory staff to go to another location.
  4. Campers will refrain from abusive behavior toward others or self.
  5. Campers will refrain from the use of abusive or profane language.
  6. Campers will refrain from taking or abusing items/supplies from other campers, the staff or the camp facility, and will refrain from abuse of camp facilities.
  7. The possession of phones or electronic communication devices will not be permitted.
  8. Camp Administrator encourages the involvement of campers in all activities and their interaction with fellow campers and staff.
  9. Electronic games, headphones and portable electronics such as iPads are not allowed.
  10. Camp Administrator is not responsible for personal items lost, misplaced, etc.
  11. Possession of weapons will not be permitted.
  12. Use of any alcohol, any tobacco products, vaping or illegal drugs will not be permitted.

Infraction of rules will constitute grounds for immediate dismissal from camp.

Camp Administrator reserves the right to inspect any camper’s bags, backpack(s), purse(s) or other personal belongings at any time during the program period.

Parent/Guardian: The undersigned, including the camper and parents or legal representatives of the above-named minor child, acknowledge that they have read, understood, agree with and consent to the above discipline policy of Camp Administrator.

Interesting Facts About You

Health History

To be completed by parent/guardian



We are required to have a copy of your child’s most recent immunization record. The Health Department updates your form periodically. You MUST provide us a copy of your child's current Immunization Record every year, even if you provided us this information the last time your child attended camp.


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