ISGC Student Hands-On Report

Thank you for completing your SHO report! We use this data to show NASA the impact of our programs in Iowa and in STEM.

We strongly recommend that you check the "Send me a copy of my responses" button at the bottom of this form. If you do not receive a copy via email (check spam folder), email to check on the status of your report.

Please note: Narrative documents are not required for the progress reports. Narratives are to be uploaded for final report along with the form completion. (We cannot provide separate upload locations for the different reports.)

Progress or Final Report*

Please select your project title from the list below. If your project title is not listed, please email for assistance.

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol
NASA Alignment*

Please keep this summary to no more than 3 paragraphs.

How has your project advanced with the help of ISGC funding?

Do you have future goals for the team?

Please upload any photos that you would like to share on this project to showcase your work. Any file type/number of files can be uploaded.

Please note: Narrative documents are NOT required for the progress reports. A narrative document IS required for upload here for all final report submissions.

Guidelines for the narrative are available at:

Drag and drop files here or

Participant Data

Who worked or participated on your project?

Please select all that apply and include yourself

Patents, Publications, Presentations

How many patents, and please describe in detail:

Please provide details of any products that resulted from your funding, i.e., title, author(s), status, refereed vs. unrefereed, venue, etc.


Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals, Conference Proceedings, Books and Chapters, Reports, Unrefereed Manuscripts - Please note: Researchers submitting NASA-funded articles in peer-reviewed journals or papers from conferences shall make their work accessible to the public through NASA's PubSpace at:                           

Please provide the DOI# of any publications that resulted from the project and or research funded by ISGC.

Please provide the number of this author type on your published/ submitted manuscript and/or paper.

Please provide the number of this author type on your published/ submitted manuscript and/or paper.

Please provide the number of this author type on your published/ submitted manuscript and/or paper.

Please provide the title of your proposal, PI, Co-Is, funding entity, amount of funding request, and status of the proposal (awarded, pending, not awarded).

Did your team hold any outreach events to schools, informal education venues, or general public?*

Please provide details of your one outreach event, such as place, date, and a brief description. (If you conducted multiple events, please complete our form at;

If you conducted outreach, approximately how many people did you reach?

If you have the information available, please tell us how many participants per group. For example, if your project conducted outreach to middle schools, you would put "Middle school students: 80; Middle school educators: 5; General public (parents, etc.): 25" and so forth.

(If you conducted multiple events, please complete our form at;    

Please list the name(s) of the competition(s) your project was involved in, if applicable:

When and where was the competition?

How did the competition go?

What did you learn from it?

Have all project personnel submitted their required forms?

It is the PI or Student Lead's responsibility that all team members have completed the necessary forms. Student Participant Data and Photo Authorization release forms must be completed. These forms can be found at: