Proof of Conference: Please upload a conference agenda and page of conference schedule with student's name listed as a presenter.
Travel Expense Report: Please complete and upload a Non-GC Employee Travel Expense Report.
Receipts: Please attach receipts for all items documented on the Travel Expense Report. Expenses eligible for reimbursement that require receipts include professional membership fees, conference registration fees, hotel rooms, flights, car rentals, and taxis/Uber/Lyft.
Flights: If you flew to or from the conference, please upload the email confirmation from the airline.
Mileage: Please retain all gas receipts and add photos or scans of them in the "documents upload" section below. Please note that we will ONLY cover fuel charges from your receipts.
Award Letter: Please upload your award letter or other communication from either MURACE or SGA, showing that you have been approved to receive travel reimbursement.
Completed W-9 Form: Please complete (including signing and dating) this W-9 form. If submitting for reimbursement from MURACE or both MURACE and SGA, the student should email this to or bring to the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) on the third floor of the Library. If submitting to SGA only, students should email this to or bring to Kristy Johnson in the Student Activities Center.
*Note: .heic files will not be accepted.