Restorative Justice Program Request or Referral In-Take Form

Thank you for reaching out to the Restorative Justice (RJ) Program. Please complete the form as it will help us to better understand what you are looking for:

  • Community Building Circle: The Restorative Justice program offers community building circles where trained employee facilitators (RJ Facilitators) help facilitate conversations aimed at cultivating a healthy community and creating open dialogues between community members. The focus of the circle can be either specific or broad, emphasizing a particular topic you would like to discuss.

  • Conflict Resolution & Peace-building Conference: The RJ facilitators will facilitate various conferences to support a community that is addressing a conflict and to have an open and honest dialogue within a safe space to address harms and needs in order to repair and restore relationships.

  • Facilitated Dialogue/Event: We can collaborate with you in co-facilitating an event or dialogue you, your employee group, your department, or other campus events that are hosting by introducing the facilitation principles and practices within Restorative Justice.

For more information on Restorative Justice go to:

Confidentiality and Participation

The RJ program seeks mutual and voluntary agreement among the parties involved to keep confidential information learned through RJ circles, conferences, and dialogues.

RJ program practitioners may have to report incidences disclosed during the RJ process, specifically around discrimination, harassment, and/or child abuse. If an incident has already been reported to the College, the RJ Program may facilitate a conference as a form of informal resolution.

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If you're unsure of which restorative practice best fits your request, we will connect with you to recommend options.