"Discover Hedgerows" Spring 2025 Events
Join Thurston Conservation District and the Native Plant Salvage Foundation to explore the benefits of hedgerows at these upcoming events. Use this form to sign up for one or more events as part of our "Discover Hedgerows" Spring 2025 Series:
No-Till Drill Native Seeding Demonstration:
April 26th, 10:00 - 1:30PM
Independence Valley Farm
13136 201st avenue SW, Rochester, WA, 98579
Join us to learn how to use Thurston Conservation District’s no-till drill for native seeding. This is an opportunity to speak with the TCD team, learn how to use this equipment, and see no-till drill native seeding in action as we plant an herbaceous buffer along a hedgerow!
This piece of equipment is available for Thurston County community members to rent.
Hedgerow Irrigation Hands-on Workshop & Installation Demonstration:
May 18th, 10:00 - 1:30 PM
Piece by Piece Farm
8615 James Rd SW, Rochester, WA 98506
Join us to learn the pros and cons of different hedgerow irrigation options and gain direct experience with installing a system for the recently planted hedgerow at Piece by Piece Farm in Rochester.
Discover Hedgerows Webinar Series: "Ensuring Success: Monitoring, Maintaining, & Adapting Your Future Hedgerow."
May 22nd, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Register to receive the Zoom link
Tune in to Zoom for the 4th webinar in our series, where we discuss the steps you need to take to plan for successfully sustaining your hedgerow over time, including key planning steps to reduce maintenance burdens and how to plan for growth and change. The webinar will be led by WSU's Erica Guttman, principal author of the "Hedgerows for Rural & Working Lands How-to Handbook."
Click here to view past webinar recordings
"Discover Hedgerows" Success Tours:
May 29th, 6:30 -8:00 PM
Helsing Junction Farm
12013 Independence Rd SW, Rochester, WA 98579
This hedgerow was installed in November 2023 to enhance crop production at this Rochester farm. Come see how it's developing and learn about how its initial design is expected to meet the farmers' goals; the budget/costs, required farmers' time, and grants that supported the initial installations; its irrigation system pros & cons; plant survival rates; and lessons learned so far!
June 3rd, 6:30 - 8:00 PM
Oyster Bay Farm
4931 Oyster Bay Rd NW, Olympia, WA 98502
This hedgerow was installed in March 2024 to protect water quality & enhance wildlife habitat at this Northwest Thurston County farm. Come see how it's developing and learn about how its initial design is expected to meet the farmers' goals; the budget/costs, required farmers' time, and grants that supported the initial installations; its irrigation system pros & cons; plant survival rates; and lessons learned so far!
This event is hosted by Native Plant Salvage Foundation and Thurston Conservation District. It is support by our partners at WSU Extension/Native Plant Salvage Foundation and the Thurston County Storm & Surface Water Utility.