Certification of Consistency with the Continuum of Care Plan

I certify that the proposed project, as referenced below, is consistent and responsive to local housing needs articulated in the jurisdiction’s most recently completed Continuum of Care (CoC) Plan (All Home Strategic Plan). The proposed project responds to CoC Plan Goals 1‐3 Homelessness: to plan and align with the CoC Strategic Plan, to ensure that in the future homelessness is rare, short in duration, and a one‐time occurrence.

Please keep the "Project Description" section below brief. Please include how many units will be available, what AMI percentages, and what populations you plan to serve.

Certifying Jurisdiction:

King County Continuum of Care, King County, WA

Certifying Official:

Irene Agustin

Chief Program Officer

King County Regional Housing Authority

Certification Period:

This certification is valid through 2025