Training Request Worksheet

To ensure an efficient process for developing effective training programs and modules, this worksheet is designed to help articulate specific training needs and goals. Completing all applicable fields with as much detail as possible helps to create and position training programs of all shapes and sizes to align with personal and organizational objectives. We look forward to working together soon!

General Information

Tell us a little about yourself.

Target Audience

Identifying the people, groups, or teams we plan to engage with.

Who is this training intended for?

What does this group do?

Desired Behavior

Helping to envision the actions we want to see as a result of this training.

What are the action items?

Support your action items with specifics.

If the audience gets what they need, what do the results look like?

How do we measure positive results of successful training?


Identifying foundational and historical information pertaining to this specific training content.

What was the format in the past? How effective was it?

Does this training reiterate known action items, or rather introduce new desired actions from the group?

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And how will this training resolve that issue?

And how can we work to alleviate potential resilience?


What's the desired return on investment for this training content?

And how is the desired behavior rewarded?

What is the business impact?


Helping to identify the when.

What's the ideal rollout date?

What frequency ensures successful adoption and resulting action?

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What's the maintenance to ensure content is up to date and relevant?

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Information to ensure we're all on the same page.

Successful training ultimately requires collaboration amongst all parties.

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Including information, direction, processes, and associated materials (where applicable).

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Additional Information

Info, notes, and additional details.

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