24/25 Lean Capital Outlay Management Plan for the Delegation of Capital Outlay Authority
Per the Form of Delegation Agreement for the delegation of capital outlay management authority, all campuses must submit an updated management plan annually. Please submit your updated plan no later than Friday, January 10th, 2025, for review by the Certification Review Board. For your convenience, CPDC has created a Smartsheet template to simplify and streamline the management plan process for each Campus. The leaner Capital Outlay Management Plan is below. Please follow the directions carefully to ensure compliance.
Statement of Compliance
Once this Capital Outlay Management Plan is submitted and approved, the formal Delegation Letter will be sent to the Campus President (or vice president), asking for their signature of acceptance.
Delegations are subject to modifications or adjustments based on Campus performance and this submittal.
Identify person who will sign the formal Delegation Letter.
Please attach your ORG Chart. Provide signature authority for every position on the organizational chart (please note that positions filled by consultants shall have no contractual or monetary signature authority); If a position has no signature authority, indicate on organization chart as $0.
Please provide names and titles for the following Program Wide Functions. It is understood that a single person may perform multiple functions. If any positions are unfilled, type "Vacant."
Procurement staff delegated PW procurement responsibilities.
Identify whether external or internal employee
EH&S staff delegated construction safety responsibilities.
Delegated person responsible for Title 19 compliance and coordination with Office of State Fire Marshal.
Delegated person responsible for Title 24 compliance and coordination of impaired fire alarms and sprinkler systems in occupied facilities.
The purpose of this overview is to collect data systemwide that will allow for systemwide comparisons. The goal is to create a benchmark using common metrics for capital project delivery.
Please list all Project Managers, Construction Administrators/Managers, and IORs, and the total number of Major Cap projects assigned to each of them that are currently under design or construction or expected to be awarded after submission of this plan but before December 31st, 2025.
This list shall include P3, auxiliary, TOCA, and energy projects.
Please include both external and internal employees.
Identify person or consultant responsible for establishing project duration and providing review of contractor baseline, monthly schedule updates, and time impact analyses. If no position or consultant exists type "NA".
Identify person or consultant responsible for establishing project construction budget, and providing review of contractor GMP, schedule of values, and change order estimates. If no position or consultant exists type "NA".
List all Major Capital Projects currently in design or construction or anticipated to begin design and construction in 2025.
Include the number of all Major Capital Projects currently in design or construction.
Include the Name, Delivery Method, Total Project Budget (PWCE), and a brief description of the scope of work.
For all Major Cap Projects currently in design or construction or anticipated to begin design and construction in 2025.
Please include position/title and department