Summer 2025 ISGC Internship Mentorship Confirmation Form

This form serves to confirm that a student you plan to mentor in Summer 2025 is applying for internship funding from the Idaho Space Grant Consortium.

Please complete by March 7, 2025.

For this form you will need a letter addressing the following:

  • A recommendation for the student
  • How you plan to mentor the student during the internship/research period
  • How this opportunity relates to NASA, aerospace, or how this will encourage the student to pursue a STEM career

Be sure to have all components ready prior to starting this form because you will not be able to return once started.

We strongly recommend selecting "Send me a copy of my response" at the end of this form.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at


Please calculate the total amount of hours this student will work during their internship. This should be a lump sum, not a weekly amount. (e.g., 400 hours = 10 weeks at 40 hours per week.)

By checking the box below, you are confirming that you have adequate resources (time and/or materials and supplies) for a student research/internship opportunity.

  • A recommendation for the student
  • How you plan to mentor the student during the internship/research period
  • How this opportunity relates to NASA, aerospace, or how this will encourage the student to pursue a STEM career
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