Application for Texas Veterans Commission Transportation Program and Services Free Fare

Beneficiary Eligibility Documentation Requirements:


TVC-FVA recognizes the following documentation to determine Veteran beneficiary eligibility.

Eligibility documentation must be provided by the beneficiary and copies must be retained by the Grantee.

1. Identity – ONE of the following is REQUIRED to verify the Veteran’s identity:

• issued by a Government Agency (State or Federal):

✓ valid Photo ID (Driver License or Identification Card)

2. Residency – ONE of the following is REQUIRED to verify the Veteran lives in Texas:

• issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS):

✓ valid Photo ID (Driver License or Identification Card)

• accepted by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS):

✓ Residency Document - ONE of the following containing the Veteran’s name and address:

    o Current deed, mortgage, monthly mortgage statement, mortgage payment booklet or a residential rental/lease agreement

    o Valid, unexpired Texas voter registration card*

    o Valid, unexpired Texas motor vehicle registration or title

    o Valid, unexpired Texas boat registration or title

    o Valid, unexpired Texas concealed handgun license (CHL) or license to carry (LTC)

    o Utility or residential service bill dated within 180 days of the date of application. Examples of acceptable statements include, but are not limited to: electric, water, gas, internet, cable, streaming services, lawn services, and cellular telephone

    o Selective Service card

    o Current homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy, statement, or card

    o Current automobile insurance policy, statement or card

    o Texas high school, college or university report card or transcript for the current school year

    o Preprinted W-2, 1099, or 1098 tax form from an employer, government, or financial institution for the most recent tax year

    o Mail or printed electronic statements from financial institutions; including checking, savings, investment accounts and credit card statements dated within 180 days of the date of application

    o Mail or printed electronic statements from a federal, state, county or city government agency, or a third-party representing a government agency dated within 180 days of the date of application

    o Current automobile payment booklet or statement

    o Current documents issued by the U.S. military or Veteran's Administration indicating residential address

    o Document from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice indicating the applicant's recent release or parole

    o Letter of Medical Explanation of Benefits or medical bills

    o Valid, unexpired Texas fishing or hunting license

    o Pre-printed paycheck or payment stub, dated within 180 days of the application date

    o Current Form DS2019 or a document issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (non-commercial DL and ID only)

    o Letter of Texas residency issued by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD)

3. Veteran Status – ONE of the following is REQUIRED to verify the Veteran’s military service:

Grantees must ensure compliance with their Awarded Grant’s definition of a Veteran.

• issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS):

✓ Photo ID (Driver License or Identification Card) including “VETERAN” designation

• issued by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA):

✓ Veteran Identification Card (VIC)

✓ Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC)

✓ Service Verification Letter including Character of Service

✓ Benefit Summary Letter including Character of Service

✓ Third-Party Application Programming Interface (API) Software Screen Shot

• issued by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD):

✓ Uniform Services Identification (USID) Card

✓ DD Form 214 including Character of Service

✓ NGB Form 22 including Character of Service

✓ NA Form 13038 including Character of Service

✓ Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Certificate


Dependent (Child): a minor (before the age of 18) biological, step, or adopted child of a Texas Veteran residing with the Veteran or before the age 23, if a full-time student. Includes a child who is incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical incapacity that existed before the age of 21 or occurred before the age of 23 while a full-time student.

TVC-FVA recognizes the following documentation to determine Dependent (Child) beneficiary eligibility. Eligibility documentation must be provided by the beneficiary and copies must be

retained by the Grantee.

1. Identity – ONE of the following is OPTIONAL, if available, to verify the Child’s identity:

• issued by a Government Agency (State or Federal):

✓ valid Photo ID (Driver License or Identification Card)

2. Relationship to Veteran – ONE of the following is REQUIRED to verify the Child’s relationship:

• issued by a County Clerk:

✓ Birth Certificate or Adoption Certificate

3. Veteran Parent Status – See Veteran to verify Identity, Residency, and Status


Dependent (Spouse): the husband or the wife of a Texas Veteran residing with the Veteran.

TVC-FVA recognizes the following documentation to determine Dependent (Spouse) beneficiary eligibility. Eligibility documentation must be provided by the beneficiary and copies must be

retained by the Grantee.

1. Identity – ONE of the following is REQUIRED to verify the Spouse’s identity:

• issued by a Government Agency (State or Federal):

✓ valid Photo ID (Driver License or Identification Card)

2. Relationship to Veteran – ONE of the following is REQUIRED to verify the Spouse’s relationship:

• issued by a County Clerk:

✓ Marriage Certificate or Registered Common Law Marriage Declaration

3. Veteran Spouse Status – See Veteran to verify Identity, Residency, and Status


Surviving Spouse: a person who was the spouse of the Veteran at the time of the Veteran's death and (a) who lived with the Veteran continuously from the date of marriage to the date of the Veteran's

death, and (b) has not remarried or has not since the death of the Veteran and after September 19, 1962, lived with another person and held himself or herself out openly to the public to be the spouse of such other person.

TVC-FVA recognizes the following documentation to determine Surviving Spouse beneficiary eligibility. Eligibility documentation must be provided by the beneficiary and copies must be retained by the Grantee.

1. Identity – ONE of the following is REQUIRED to verify the Surviving Spouse’s identity:

• issued by a Government Agency (State or Federal):

✓ valid Photo ID (Driver License or Identification Card)

2. Residency – ONE of the following is REQUIRED to verify the Surviving Spouse lives in Texas:

• issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS):

✓ valid Photo ID (Driver License or Identification Card)

• accepted by the Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS):

✓ Residency Document - ONE of the following containing the Surviving Spouse’s name and address:

3. Relationship to Veteran – BOTH of the following are REQUIRED to verify the Surviving Spouse’s relationship and death of the Veteran:

• issued by a County Clerk:

✓ Marriage Certificate or Registered Common Law Marriage Declaration

✓ Death Certificate

4. Veteran Spouse Status – See Veteran to verify Status

This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans

Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance. The Fund for Veterans’

Assistance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and

their families. For more information, visit


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