2025 New Mexico Go Red For Women Luncheon Volunteer Sign Up

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Hotel Albuquerque

Casual attire

Food will be provided

Two shifts are available, choose below.

Volunteers will be expected to:

  1. Check in guests (training will be provided)
  2. Greet guests, direct to event area
  3. Walk around silent auction area to answer questions, watch for potential theft.
  4. Lead guests to their tables inside ballroom prior to 11:30 am
  5. After auction closes at noon, help tally winners and package winnings by winner for check out

Volunteer Shift Descriptions

  • 10:00am to 11:30am: 4 greeters needed in the silent auction area to answer questions and check on silent auction bidders

  • 9:30am to 12:30pm: 4 volunteers needed who can learn how to do electronic check in. We will be processing 600+ guests who have pre-registered.

  • 12:00pm to 1:00pm: 4 volunteers needed to get silent auction packages that were won and put in order for buyers to get at check out.

  • 1:00pm to 1:30pm: 4-6 volunteers needed to help clean up items left in ballroom, pens, papers, etc. Will also take silent auction items repackaged to load into truck.