Playing Out of Age Grade – Important Information

The priority is always for age grade players to play in their defined age/year group, with their peers/friends and where those that support them are most closely connected. Playing out of age grade is the exception. For any player to do so, the circumstances, conditions, assessments and approvals required in regulation must be in place beforehand. The ultimate consideration must be the welfare and safety of all the players involved.

Playing Up, Down and Adult Rugby is about individual players for whom it is appropriate. Combining is applicable to groups of players joining another age group. Please note, there is a separate form for England Academy, Player Development Group, Premiership Womens Rugby and England U18 Players.

Please read Regulation 15.6 and 15.5 in detail before completing this form. Due to DBS and Safeguarding requirements this is a 2-stage process. In addition to the Club Approval Form, each individual player must be approved, by completing the Playing Adult Rugby – Player Approval Form and process. Until the club is approved, it cannot apply for any individual 17 year old to play in their adult teams.

Legally, whatever their physical and emotional characteristics, 17 year olds are still children and we have a duty to ensure that their welfare is protected. Constituent Body (CB) approval permits a 17 year old to play adult rugby until they reach their 18th birthday when they can play without approval. Club eligibility for 17 year olds to play adult rugby may be revoked by the CB or RFU if significant concerns are raised in relation to discipline or safeguarding.

Please read the accompanying advice in the Club Guide - Playing Adult Rugby

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Club Safeguarding

Has the club appointed a Safeguarding Officer and are their details available on your website? Even where there are no age grade teams, there is a requirement that clubs who have children playing up into the adult game appoint a CSO.

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When did the Safeguarding Officer complete the RFU In Touch course? If not yet completed, give date and location of the course applied for (this must be ASAP and no later than in six months’ time)

Has the club adopted the RFU Safeguarding Policy and is it visible on your website?

Select or enter value
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Has the club completed the RFU Safeguarding Audit on GMS this season?

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Key people

Have those in a position of trust in the adult teams, such as Coaches, Captains, Team Managers, 1st Aiders undergone a DBS check through the RFU Safeguarding Department? Please record these people below. It is essential that this list reflects the specific section of the club - Mens, Womens or both - that is applying for Approval.

Name, club role, DBS number and expiry date

Name, club role, DBS number and expiry date

Name, club role, DBS number and expiry date

Name, club role, DBS number and expiry date

Name, club role, DBS number and expiry date

Name, club role, DBS number and expiry date

Name, club role, DBS number and expiry date

Name, club role, DBS number and expiry date

Will the young person have the opportunity to shower and change separately if they wish?

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Can you confirm that the referee and opposition will be informed that there is an under 18 year old in the side?

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We certify that all the information on this form is correct, that a full risk assessment has been undertaken, that those named have been fully involved in agreeing the application, that parents/adult players across the wider group have been briefed and if approved, agree to play the above players in accordance with RFU Regulation 15 (Age Grade Rugby) and the spirit and values of rugby union.

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