2024-25 ACUE: Effective Teaching Practices

Professional and Organizational Development (POD) is pleased to announce a continuing opportunity designed to enhance our campus commitment to faculty and student success. We are partnering with the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) to offer its course in Effective Teaching Practices to a limited number of faculty participants.

The ACUE Course prepares college faculty to use evidence-based techniques shown to help students succeed and leads to a nationally recognized Certificate in Effective College Instruction endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE). Courses are offered online in a cohort model with the guidance of a Mt. SAC faculty co-facilitator. The 4-course certificate promotes teaching techniques for both face-to-face and online instruction across these four pillars:

  • Promoting Active Learning (Start Date: September 23, 2024) -- CLOSED
  • Designing Student-Centered Courses (Start Date: November 4, 2024) - CLOSED
  • Creating an Inclusive and Supportive Environment (Spring 2025) - CLOSED
  • Inspiring Inquiry & Preparing Life-Long Learners (Spring 2025)

How will completing this ACUE course benefit my career?

  • You be able to integrate evidence-based teaching strategies into your classes
  • Upon completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate in Effective Teaching Practices that is endorsed by the American Council on Education (ACE) and recognized nationally.
  • You will earn 54 hours toward a Professional Growth Increment (PGI) for Full-Time Faculty or up to 6-9 hours towards Professional Growth Hourly (PGH) for Part-Time Faculty.

Application Deadline: September 11, 2024

Limited Availability! Apply for this free course today!