CPT Authorization Request

International Students with an F-1 visa must receive authorization from ISS before starting an internship, training/employment or practicum. Complete this form to make the request. ISS will collect approval from your course professor and academic school to complete your authorization.

Your Information

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Students applying for CPT must complete two consecutive long semesters before you are eligible for CPT, with some exceptions.

Select or enter value
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Course Information

Example: BUSI 3385

Select or enter value
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Internship/Training/Practicum Offer Information

Upload your job/training/practicum offer letter or email

Drag and drop files here or

Give a brief summary of your duties or the training that will be offered

CPT authorization requires that the work or training is related to your major field of study. Give a brief description of how this opportunity is related to your major.

Internship/Training/Practicum Site Information

Where will you be located when this internship, training or practicum takes place?

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If you are enrolled full time during the semester of your internship, or training requirement, the maximum number of hours/week is 20.

CPT Dates

The dates of CPT must be within the semester of your CPT class.

ISS will need approval from your faculty and academic department before authorizing CPT. If we receive this approval after your requested start date, we will use the date of the academic department approval as the start date. Do not start working or training before you receive your CPT I-20 from ISS showing your approved start date.

Your CPT must end before the end of the semester.

CPT Policy Confirmation

Type your name to confirm that you have read and understand the CPT policies:

I must wait until I have an I-20 with CPT approval before starting any work or training. I understand CPT authorization is employer and date specific. If my employer or dates of employment change, I will need a new CPT authorization in advance. My internship must be approved by the 12th class day unless other arrangements have been made with ISS. This internship must be related to my major field of study. I understand that I may be subject to taxes on my internship wages and should investigate my tax responsibilities. Type your name to confirm: