Idaho NASA EPSCoR Story Submission Form

Across the country, NASA EPSCoR helps improve research infrastructure by providing funding and opportunities to researchers and students. NASA and Idaho NASA EPSCoR wants to hear how their programs affected your career and life. We strive to make an impact and would be ecstatic to hear how our programs have impacted you. Please fill out the information. You can type your story overview and NASA content and resources used in the boxes provided, or you can attach a word document to this form. Thank you for your participation!

What year(s) did you participate in the program(s) you were involved in?

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Please select all that apply.

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1,500 character limit, including spaces. Please include: - Program name - Location - Interesting story/outcomes - Highlights If you had specific experiences with NASA and would like to share, please include the people you worked with and the resources you used. You can use the box below, or attach a Word document to this form.

-Word/PDF document of story -Relevant pictures (If pictures are attached and faces can be seen clearly, you must fill out a NASA Media Release Form. You can find this form at

Drag and drop files here or

If you uploaded any photos, please provide a caption for the photos in the space below.

Do you give Idaho NASA EPSCoR permission to share your story/pictures?*

We may share it with: - NASA Headquarters, who may want to share with the public - Congressional representatives, who make NASA EPSCoR funding decisions - NASA ISGC website/Facebook, to share the benefits of the programs