Owner Operator Application Form

Thank you for your interest in applying to Scandinavian Building Services as an Owner Operator. Please fill out the information below in order to be considered for a contract with Scandinavian Building Services.

If yes, please enter it here

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Previous experience with Scandinavian?*

Please select all locations where you can provide service

Please select the closest city center

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How many years of janitorial experience does your business have?

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Select or enter value
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Does your business have their own equipment?*

Please select all that apply.

Scandinavian Building Services requires that all active Owner Operators meet a number of business requirements, including but not limited to: - Business License - Liability Insurance - GST Number and/or incorporation certificate - Workers Compensation Coverage - Criminal Record Checks for all workers It is understood that if the business identified in this application is successful in being offered a contract with Scandinavian Building Services the entity will be required to comply with these business requirements, and present verification of such. By clicking the box below, I, on behalf of the business identified in this application, understand and agree to the terms presented above.

The business identified in this application is qualified and lawfully able to provide janitorial services in the region(s) applied for. In addition, the business is applying for the contract of their own volition, with no inducement of any sort. The entering into this agreement will not contravene any existing agreement to which the business identified in this application is a party. By clicking the box below, I, on behalf of the business identified in this application, understand and agree with the statement presented above.