DFASHRM Application -

Please complete the entire application process. Include all supporting documentation. ASHRM staff

may request additional documentation at a later date. Required documentation includes the


• Documents that demonstrate compliance with continuing education requirements

(transcripts, certificates, etc.)

• Employment experience summary and current job description signed by the person you

report to. Indicate number of years of experience in position(s) with primary responsibilities

related to risk management.

• Documentation of contributions to the field (CV, resume, etc.)

• Two letters of reference.

Please upload your resume , two letters of reference and any continuing education documents.

Drag and drop files here or

Please check the correct box below:

First-time application
Caret IconCaret symbol

Please list academic/professional designations obtained, in addition to the CPHRM:

Select or enter value
Caret IconCaret symbol

List total number of education hours in the box below (At least 150 contact hours). Documentation must be provided for all

education hours with the correct content category.

Contributions to the Field of Risk Management

Applicants must meet all requirements in all three of the contribution categories listed below: Leadership, Publishing and Lecturing.

Applicant must provide at least two examples of health care risk management-related leadership positions

totaling at least four years of service, that are not a matter of routine job responsibilities, not held

concurrently and are each at least one year in duration.

Written verification is required of title and leadership position held provided by the organization cited

To meet the publishing requirement, you must submit two scholarly articles which clearly relate to patient

safety and/or risk management; and are peer reviewed with cited resources (e.g., through citations, a

bibliography, list of references, etc.) and published within five years prior to the date the application is


Applicant must provide at least two examples of participation as a speaker or faculty member in risk

management programs, conducted within five years prior to the date the applicant is applying for recognition

(cite Content Category Code listed above in Continuing Education Criteria section). At least one

presentation must be at national or state level and at least one must offer continuing education credits.

Upon your award of a certification of recognition, ASHRM staff will send press releases to your hospital or

organization announcing your achievement. Please list names and addresses of your CEO/Administrator

and public relations officer.

Application Fees-This is just for reference.

Distinguished Fellow (DFASHRM)


Reapplication After One Year


*Applicants who reapply for either designation within 12 months of the decision are exempt from

the application fee.

Invoice will be sent upon receipt of submission.

I hereby certify that all statements and responses I have made in this application, and all documents

enclosed herewith, are true, accurate and authentic to the best of my knowledge.

Professional Recognition Checklist

Click here to review checklist before submission.