ORHPC Grant and Loan Forgiveness Reviewer Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in being a Grant and Loan Forgiveness Reviewer for the Office of Rural Health and Primary Care!

Reviewers play an important role by thoughtfully evaluating applications and making recommendations on how to spend our public funds. Typically our reviewers receive around 5-15 grant applications to review, with 2-4 weeks to complete their reviews. Reviewers generally spend 30-60 minutes reviewing each grant application. When the individual reviews are complete, reviewers gather for a virtual meeting to discuss their evaluations and make funding recommendations to ORHPC.

As of now, serving as an ORHPC reviewer is a volunteer role. We will let reviewers know if we are able to offer compensation for a particular review opportunity.

ORHPC staff will use the information you provide to periodically contact you about grant review opportunities.

Information entered here, with the exception of your email address, is considered public data and can be shared if requested. Your email address is private data and will not be shared in response to a data request.