2023-2024 Selection Policy Community Event - Thursday 19th October 2023 - 8pm

If you are interested in joining our community event please register your interest below.

Data collected through this form will be held in accordance with the British Fencing Privacy Policy that can be found here: https://www.britishfencing.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/privacy_policy-01.06.19.pdf and will not be shared with any other organisation.

The personal data you have provided in this form will be used by BF for the following purposes: To contact you in relation to the information provided on this form. To contact you in relation to your participation in the events you have expressed an interest in attending. BF will store and retain the personal data you have provided in this form as follows: Event interest/registrations will be retained for up to two years (a maximum of 24 months) at which point the data will be anonymised and all personal data deleted.

Please can you confirm that you have/will read the GBR Selection Document before attending the session.

Please note you will need a valid BF Membership to take part in the session.

If you have any questions in advance it would be helpful to share them with us so we can prepare:

I agree that this session will be recorded by BF to gather feedback from the session