Environment Institute | Funding Round 2024

Application for Environment Institute Members to request funding support in 2024.

Complete this online Funding Request Form, outlining your project's strategic significance to the Institute, and its potential to leverage additional income in the future and the major outcome(s) expected. The initial round of funding applications will close on the 6th of March.

For 2024, the Environment Institute has identified several strategic initiatives, and requests that align with these initiatives will be given priority. Requests from other initiatives are also welcome.

  •  restoration of temperate marine ecosystems
  • biodiversity climate adaptation and rewilding
  • water resources, management and policy
  • green urban futures and planetary health
  • combatting wildlife and environmental crime
  • citizen science and engagement
  • enviro-technology and natural capital
  • pollution and natural hazard mitigation.

The following are types of support that can be requested:

1. Assistance with grant applications

2. External partnerships for applied outcomes

3. Event Support/Sponsorship

4. Travel Support - includes bringing over high-profile individuals from other universities for a period of co working, visits by UoA scientists to other organisations or workshops designed to develop high profile outputs.

Please note that seed funding for research is not a type of funding that will be approved.

Funding must be expended by September 2024 unless negotiated otherwise.

Application after the closing date may be considered after the review of the first round of funding, if there is remaining funding.

Applicant Details

Provide a short title


Please indicate the strategic initiative that your requests that align with. If your request does not align with a listed initiative please choose 'other'

Please include a justification that tells us how this funding will be of value to you e.g. seeking external research funding.

Please include breakdown of funds sought. Upload file below if required.

Select date you expect to be notified of successful outcome of the project

If required, upload files related to budget and/or justification of requested e.g. quote, summary of proposed expenses

Drag and drop files here or