District Test Coordinators

The Office of Research, Accountability, Data, Assessment, and Reporting (RADAR) maintains a current list of District Test Coordinators (DTC); this requires that each district submit this form to designate a DTC each school year. Designated DTCs are sent information regarding assessment and are responsible for disseminating this information to others in their district. The designated DTC will also have access to student level scores and other confidential and secure information. Districts must have an additional person designated to receive weekly updates via e-mail from ODE and be trained to fill in for the DTC in their absence. This additional “information only” person DOES NOT have access to secure data information unless the district requests this access separate from this form.

District Test Coordinators (DTCs) must participate in annual test security and administration training provided by ODE. DTCs must independently review and complete the ODE-provided recorded training modules. DTCs must also use the ODE-provided training modules when conducting School Test Coordinator (STC) and Test Administrator (TA) trainings within their district. For a full description of training requirements by role, please refer to Section 1.5 Training Requirements of the Test Administration Manual.


District Test Coordinator Contact Information

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Information Only Contact Information

The information only contact must be someone other than the DTC.


Download, Sign and Upload Superintendent Form

*This form will not be processed unless it is signed by the district Superintendent

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