Scholarship Appeal Form

In order to be considered for a scholarship exception, you must submit this form as well as meet at least one of the below conditions. All Scholarship Appeal Forms must be submitted prior to the start of the term that you are requesting the exception or funds may be cancelled. Incomplete forms will not be accepted. You will be notified of the decision of your request within approximately 1 business week after your appeal form has been submitted.

Student Information:

Student Acknowledgment (Please check each item to certify)

Reason for Appeal (Check all that apply):

Letter of Explanation:

Submit this form with a letter of explanation and supporting documentation, if applicable. (type essay below and submit applicable files)

Your appeal must address one of the following issues:

•    Personal illness or injury

•    The death of an immediate family member

• Extenuating circumstances that were clearly beyond your control

• Less than minimum hours based on last semester before graduation (submit degree plan or note from advisor)

The letter of explanation should explain in full detail what caused you not to meet the minimum renewal standards for the scholarship or the reasons why you are requesting an exception for the repayment of the dropped course.

Drag and drop files here or

Please enter your initials if you certify that have read and understand the conditions of the scholarship appeal.